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VIDEO: ‘You Don’t Like People Telling the Truth!’: Dean Obeidallah, Muslim Trump Supporter Collide

posted on: Aug 1, 2016

by Ken Meyer


As Donald Trump‘s campaign continues toreceive blowback from Khizr Khan‘s raw and emotional DNC speech, one of his advisors got in a major war of words on Sunday with CNN contributor Dean Obeidallah.

Sajid Tarar is an adviser on the National Diversity Coalition for Trump, appearing opposite the Daily Beast contributor for a CNN discussion about whether Trump disrespected the gold star family of a fallen soldier. Tarar acknowledged that Captain Humayun Khan‘s actions to protect his fellow soldiers were a “supreme sacrifice,” but then he tore into Khan’s father for questioning Trump’s knowledge of the Constitution.

Dean Obeidallah called it “outrageous” that Trump could say he knows anything about “sacrifice”, when he dodged the draft during the Vietnam War. “You don’t like people telling the truth,” Obeidallah shouted as he and Tarar went to town on each other.

Fredricka Whitfield tried reigning things in by asking Tarar about Trump’s assumption that Khan forbid his wife from speaking on stage, which he largely dismissed as more attacks on Trump by the liberal media.

Obeidallah blasted off again by reminding Tarar that Khan wrote the piece herself, and that it was it interesting to see Tarar defend Trump’s record on women given the mogul’s history of demeaning statements and telling a female reporter just this week to “be quiet.”

Watch above, via CNN.