Tlaib, Dingell Introduce Resolution Recognizing Arab American Heritage Month

Today, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (MI-12) and Congresswoman Debbie Dingell (MI-06) re-introduced a resolution recognizing April as Arab American Heritage Month to honor the incredible contributions Arab Americans have made in the United States.
“It is always an honor to introduce this resolution recognizing Arab American Heritage Month,” said Congresswoman Tlaib. “As a proud and unapologetic Arab American woman serving in Congress and the Congresswoman representing one of the largest Arab American communities in our country, I know how important our community feels seen by our federal government. Arab Americans have made invaluable contributions to our nation. I look forward to getting April permanently designated as Arab American Heritage Month and ensuring that the Middle Eastern and North African community finally receives the recognition and resources they deserve.”
“Arab Americans are part of the fabric of our country and are integral to our communities in Southeast Michigan and across America,” said Congresswoman Dingell. “They have helped shape Michigan’s identity, sharing their culture and traditions with us. They are doctors, teachers, business owners, service members, neighbors, and friends. Arab Americans help make our state and country better every day. I’m proud to recognize April as Arab American Heritage Month to honor this community’s continued accomplishments and impact.”
Reps cosponsor this legislation. André Carson (IN-07), Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12), Jim McGovern (MA-02), Delia Ramirez (IL-03), and Jan Schakowsky (IL-09).
The full text of the resolution is available here.
Compiled by Arab America
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