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Tirawi: Killer Who Poisoned Arafat Has Been Identified

posted on: Feb 12, 2015

The committee assigned to investigate the death of the late President Yasser Arafat knows the identity of those who poisoned him, however the investigations need to be verified before the details can be revealed, member of the Central Committee of Fatah, General Tawfiq Tirawi said.

During a recording for the Ma’an satellite channel, Tirawi said the occupation is responsible for the assassination, “but we are looking for the exact person who is responsible for it directly”.

Al-Jazeera satellite channel had conducted an investigation in 2012 that lasted nine months and revealed high levels of radioactive, poisoning polonium in personal items that belonged to Arafat and which were used by him shortly before his death, following laboratory tests conducted by Swiss scientists.

Former Palestinian President Arafat died on 11 November, 2004, at the age of 75, and was buried in Ramallah without a post-mortem being carried out on him which raised questions in government circles.

The Middle East Monitor