The Struggles of Ramadan in The West

By: Nouha Elyazidi / Arab America Contributing Writer
Ramadan is an exceptional month for Muslims. Not only is Ramadan important in a religious sense, but it is also significant in a cultural sense. Spending Ramadan in a Muslim country differs from spending it in a Western country. The differences are mainly in the social reaction to the idea of fasting. The idea of abstaining from eating and drinking from sunrise to sunset can be foreign to Western societies unfamiliar with Islam. This can create awkward situations for Muslims participating in Ramadan, so let us explore some of the relatable everyday struggles of Ramadan in America.
Food Everywhere:

During the month of Ramadan, food does not simply go away, even in Muslim countries; however, in Muslim countries, many restaurants will close during fasting hours. The same is not applicable in the West, so frequently, those who are fasting will find food everywhere they go! Although most people who are fasting are not significantly bothered by the sight of food, it is still a very different exposure to food compared to a Muslim country.
Ramadan Breath:

A part of Ramadan that all fasting people have experienced is “Ramadan breath.” After not eating or drinking for an extended period, a person’s breath can become smelly. Although this does not go away in Muslim countries, when those around you are fasting and most likely experiencing Ramadan breath, this situation is much less awkward. Many Muslims will carry their toothbrushes and toothpaste around with them to brush their teeth throughout the day to try and get rid of their “Ramadan breath.” Ramadan breath has become a ubiquitous joke among Muslims and has even been the subject of many memes.
The Misconceptions:

There are many misconceptions when it comes to Ramadan and Islam in general. While most Muslims are very welcoming to any questions regarding Ramadan, there are such silly questions that make us laugh. The most common question is, “How do you survive 30 days without water?” Considering this question logically, no human being could survive an entire month without food or water, so this question is a little funny. Another thing that can be a little frustrating is when people encourage you to eat. Many Muslims will be asked, “Why don’t you just sneak some food no one is looking?” And this question is a little disrespectful. There are no “Ramadan police” watching Muslims to ensure they are fasting, but Muslims fast for the sake of God, and suggestions such as this one are not very appropriate.
Although celebrating Ramadan in the West can have its struggles, it is so beautiful how families can sustain their traditions and continue to celebrate Ramadan. Celebrating Ramadan in America gives us the unique opportunity to share our cultures and learn about other cultures’ traditions!
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