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The Michigan Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs (CMEAA) has issued the following statement:

posted on: Nov 17, 2015

We at the Michigan Commission on Middle Eastern American Affairs wish to offer our condolences to the families of victims who lost their lives in the horrendous incidents that occurred in the past few days, and also wish a speedy and full recovery to the injured.

In Paris, terrorist assaults claimed the lives of over 120 innocent people with more than 300 wounded. In Beirut, terrorist suicide bombings claimed the lives of over 40 innocent people and left more than 200 wounded. And in Egypt, 224 people lost their lives when terrorists shot down a Russian airliner over Sinai. Such tragedies are happening on a daily basis in other countries like Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.

While these events have a huge impact on us here at home, we all must remain united in order to defeat terrorism. Governor Snyder has paused the noble efforts Michigan is undertaking to welcome new refugees pending the complete and full review of security clearances and procedures by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Department of State.

We support the Governor’s step that is designed to ensure the safety and security of all Michiganders.

 We also ask our fellow citizens to stay away from stereotyping and racially-charged comments at this sensitive time.  In unity, we will uphold the values that have served America well and made us the great society we are today.

We hope that the review from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Department of State will be swift and conclusive and that it will allow us to continue Michigan’s path as a welcoming state for immigrants who would like to raise families and start businesses in our state.