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The Islamic Society of Atlanta

posted on: Nov 17, 2015

The Board of Directors of the Islamic Society of Atlanta adds its voice to that of other individuals and groups around the world in extending words and material support to the families of victims of the wanton violence committed in the last few days.

The recent attacks causing destruction and a deplorable loss of human life in Paris, Beirut, Egypt and Russia (airplane), as well as the prior and continued attacks on Syria and Iraq are to be condemned in the strongest of terms.

In addition to the unforgivable taking of innocent lives, we specifically condemn the systematic destruction of historic sites and places of worship.

Their ruthless actions of mass executions of civilians regardless of faith, of children and women, and of un-armed prisoners are to be condemned in the loudest voice.

We heart and soul, despise and deny their vile attempts to use religion as cover of their unconscionable acts.

We categorically condemn, denounce, and stand against all of their actions and everything they represent.