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The Cultures of Resistance SOAS Scholarships | Cultures of Resistance

posted on: Jan 29, 2015

Thanks to a collaboration between the Cultures of Resistance Network and the American Friends of SOAS (AFSOAS), two postgraduate scholarships will be available in 2015-16 at SOAS, University of London. Each scholarship is valued at £15,000 in total. Fees will be deducted from this amount and the remainder will be used toward maintenance. In addition, each scholar will benefit from a 20% reduction in their tuition fees, from free accommodation at International Student House (ISH) and food vouchers to be spent in the ISH restaurant.

The scholarships will benefit people from countries that have been affected by conflicts and extreme poverty. This program embodies the values of the Cultures of Resistance Network, which seeks to empower and enrich communities—especially those that have been affected by civil wars and foreign military occupation—through the promotion of human rights, justice for victims of war crimes, and the enrichment of civil society and robust grassroots democracy.

Security conditions permitting, scholars are expected to return to their home countries to apply their knowledge and skills for the betterment of their societies. In the case of refugees or those fearing repression and censorship in their home countries, we expect that they will seek employment/work/study abroad toward the aim of improving the future of their home country and that of its citizens. We hope that scholarship recipients will pursue careers that, among other things, promote universal human rights, international law, equal justice for all, and the enrichment of civil society and robust grassroots democracy.

NOTE: To apply, interested students must first submit a complete on-line application to their chosen course as soon as possible and then submit an application for the scholarship. Both of these are actually contained within the same on-line form/process, but it is important to note that the deadline for submission of applications to the scholarship is 17:00 GMT on Friday, March 20, 2015. Full details about the process can be found on the SOAS scholarships pages here.
