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Eid Al-Adha: A Feast of Sacrifice

BY: Sara Alsayed / Arab America Contributing Writer Most of the western society knows or has at least heard of Eid, but what they do not know is that, as Muslims, we have two Eids. The first is Eid Al-Fitr, which is the most commonly known, and Eid Al-Adha, which is less known among westerners … Continued

The Queen of Sheba in Pop culture: Her Origins & Influence

By: Menal Elmaliki / Arab America Contributing Writer There’s a fight in the café where a woman sits hogging an entire table, a man sits near her, and she smacks her lips. The man bewildered, and slightly annoyed, replies sarcastically, “Who do you think you are, the Queen of Sheba?” A popular pop culture reference … Continued

Custom And Culture Guild For The Middle East

By: Anthony Bayyouk / Arab America Contributing writer From Morocco to Kuwait, the Arab world covers 22 countries and has become a popular destination for many travelers. These are endless reasons why someone may visit the Arab world; business, vacation, and religious reasons are just a few. Ever since oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia … Continued

How Dots & Vowels Were Added To The Quran.

BY: Anthony Bayyouk / Arab America Contributing Writer During the early days of Islam, the Quran was first written without dots and vowels. Each Arabic letter has three sounds and each one is written differently. As an Arabic reader, you know what sound is made depending on where the dots are placed on a letter. … Continued

Traditional Music in Morocco Series (Episode 4 of 7): Ahwash

By: Claire Boyle / Arab America Contributing Writer Introduction: The country of Morocco is one of many cultures, beautiful architecture, amazing cities, and it also has its own unique musical and dance genres that are borne out of numerous traditions. These traditions stem from many influences including the cultures of the Amazigh, Arabs, Berbers, Gnawa, … Continued

Anime’s Deep Roots in the Arab World

By: Omar Mansour / Arab America Contributing Writer Japanese animation, commonly known as “Anime” is one of Japan’s biggest cultural exports. While popular for decades, today, anime is at the peak of its popularity and is very much a global phenomenon. The Arab world is indeed no stranger to anime today, just as the rest … Continued

AlRawabi School for Girls: Controversy Amongst Arabs

ALRawabi School For Girls. Photo: IDBM By: Anthony Bayyouk / Arab America Contributing Writer Introduction: The new Netflix series AlRawabi School For Girls nicknamed the “Arab mean girl” is about a prestigious school in Jordan. In the school, there is a group of mean girls that are always bullying their classmate Mariam played by ( … Continued

History of Mandeans and Their American Community

By Evan Ploeckelman / Arab America Contributing Writer Many religions have risen and fallen throughout the history of the Middle East. One such community which has withstood the religious changes of the region is the Mandeans. Their unique faith is in trouble, however, due to the conflicts in Iraq over the last few decades and … Continued

Druze Reincarnation: A Connection Between Lives

By Evan Ploeckelman & Noura Abou Hamze/Arab America Contributing Writers What are the Beliefs of the Druze? The Druze believe in reincarnation. When we die, our souls enter the body of a newborn. This is due to the belief in the duality of body and soul. As such, the soul cannot stay separated from the … Continued

How the Arab World Influences African American History

By: Nadia Reese/Arab America Contributing Writer Introduction: The Arab world has made grand influences in African Diasporac history for centuries, which means that there is an influence in African American culture. Between the arts, language, fashion, and food, the Arab community has always been there in the African American culture. Even the literature which was written … Continued

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