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Top 5 Middle Eastern Restaurants in San Diego

(Photo Credit: Cleantech San Diego) By: Kimothy Wong/Arab America Contributing Writer 1. Aladdin Cafe (Photo Credit: ZOMATO) Aladdin Cafe, located in the Clairemont District of San Diego, offers authentic Mediterranean cuisine in a beautiful and spacious setting. Its excellent catering service and wide range of food choices make it a place worth revisiting. Aladdin Cafe … Continued

Traditional Sudanese Food You Cannot Miss out on!

By Arab America contributing writer, Antonia Wagura Cooking is all about people. Food may be the only universal thing that can bring everyone together. No matter what culture, everywhere around the world, people eat together. Introduction Have you been to Sudan? Are you looking for a genuine food experience? If so, then you should try … Continued

Exploring Hidden Gems of Vibrant Arab American Community Life — Enclaves of Arabdom in almost every corner of the U.S.

Little hidden gems of Arab community life dot the U.S. map. Some are well known, others not so much. What defines them as gems is their vibrancy. Arab cultural norms and values are predominant, followed by use of spoken Arabic. Mosques and Churches also characterize these communities. Your ‘30 most popular Arab restaurants and groceries’ are ever present. Civic associations abound, along with Arabic language movie theatres and radio stations. John Mason, Contributing Writer, depicts how life is often good for these Arab Americans.

Tunisian Couscous with Octopus Recipe

By: Mariem Hamdi / Arab America Contributing Writer When visiting Tunisia, you should try the Tunisian Couscous with Octopus. It is a very famous dish, showing the fascinating taste of Tunisian cooking that exemplifies the uniqueness and deliciousness of the country’s traditional cuisine. The Octopus Couscous is very known on the east coast of Tunisia, … Continued

COVID versus Saudi Arabia: Will the Hajj Prove Dangerous?

By: Riley Bryant / Arab America Contributing Writer For better or for worse, 2022 has been a year of reopenings as the global community begins to build immunities to COVID-19. In Saudi Arabia, the COVID rate has been moderate, but steady. Part of that stability has come from strict COVID precautions, including mask wearing and … Continued

The Undiscovered Country, Ancient Libya

By: Antonia Wagura / Arab America contributing writer. The ancient history of Libya, the undiscovered country, is unknown to many. However, there are various stories used to describe ancient Libya. Many know Libya through Egyptian references and loose Greek and Roman descriptions. Sallust wrote in his Jarguthine War that “Africa in the beginning, had Gaetulians … Continued

Mayyas Official: A Symbol of Arab and Women’s Empowerment

On June 21st, America’s Got Talent premiered an all-female group dance audition, from Lebanon, called Mayyas Official. This group mesmerized the crowd and the Judges with its unique dance routine. A routine that coordinated arm movements and definitely followed through with their promise to “hypnotize” the judges. The Mayyas came with the mission of empowering Arabs and women. Not only that, but also normalizing dance as a reputable career in the Arab World.

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