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Egypt’s Journey Through Colonization: The Lasting Impact of Ottoman and British Rule on a Nation’s Development

Photo: Wikipedia Commons By: Rania Basria | Arab America Contributing Writer Egypt’s strategic location at the crossroads of Africa, Asia, and Europe has made it a prized possession for many rulers throughout history. This unique location, along with the lush Nile River Valley and old cultural legacy, drew conquerors and colonists looking to control its … Continued

Flags of the Arab World

By Liam Nagle / Arab America Contributing Writer Flags can help to tell you a lot about a country. There’s no shortage of what you can have on your flag – many come with a large variety of symbols, colors, and even sizes. But because of this, the characteristics of the flags don’t always have … Continued

Algerian Cuisine: A Fusion of Flavors from Africa, Europe, and the Arab World

By: Rania Elshanawy Basria | Arab America Contributing Writer Algerian cuisine is a fascinating tapestry weaved from numerous cultural influences from Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. This culinary legacy represents Algeria’s past as a cultural crossroads, where Berber traditions coexist with Arab, French, Ottoman, and Mediterranean influences. Written by Arab America Contributing Writer Rania … Continued

Best Arab Films of the Year, 2023

By Masha Lukovenko / Arab America Contributing Writer This past year emerged with fascinating Arab films created by extraordinary filmmakers, showing the diversity and quality of Arab filmmaking. These are the best Arab films of the year, submitted for Oscars and Best International Features. If you are a lover of Arab culture and Arab cinema … Continued

Etymological Exploration: The Indigenous Language of North Africa, Tamazight

By: Maryem Bouatlaoui / Arab America Contributing Writer Tamazight Language  Tamazight derives from the Afroasiatic language family, indigenous to the North African region. Over 14 million people in Morocco and nearly 7 million people in Algeria natively speak Tamazight, as do minor populations in Libya, Tunisia, northern Mali, western and northern Niger, northern Burkina Faso … Continued

Arabic: One of the Fastest-Growing Languages in the World

By: Adam Abdel-Qader / Arab America Contributing Writer  As an Arab American, I have always felt a deep pride in both my Arab heritage and the invaluable cultural traditions that my ancestors passed on. One of the most important aspects of my heritage is the language that resides around it, the Arabic language. Arabic has … Continued

Al Sadu – Traditional Bedouin Weaving

By Alison Norquist / Arab America Contributing Writer Twice now UNESCO, the UN-founded program to save the cultural heritage of populations at risk of being eradicated and their customs, have found that Al Sadu, more commonly known as Sadu, is an artistic, cultural practice worth preserving. The Fiber in the Desert The various tribes of … Continued

Black History Month: Connections with the Arab World and a Joint Push for Progression

By: Adam Abdel-Qader / Arab America Contributing Writer Black History Month is a period for acknowledging and remembering all the positive impacts and accomplishments African Americans have had and continue to contribute to the United States and abroad. This month’s theme, “Black Resistance,” recognizes the history behind African Americans and their battles with adversity and … Continued

Record Low Turnout for Tunisia’s Latest Parliamentary Elections

By: Norah Soufraji/ Arab America Contributing Writer Democracy Eroding? Tunisia is widely known as the birthplace of the Arab Spring and has been seen as a success story in maintaining democracy while other Arab neighbors have fallen into instability, war, and back into the hands of autocratic regimes. However, recent political developments have some experts … Continued

List of Hijab Styles by Region

By: Caroline Umphlet / Arab America Contributing Writer The hijab, a religious headscarf, is worn by Muslim women to cover their hair and neck. It is an expression of their faith and personal relationship with God and it symbolizes modesty and privacy in Islam. Ultimately, it is the woman’s choice on whether she prefers to … Continued

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