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Arab American Women in Television News

By: Ivey Noojin/Arab America Contributing Writer In the last couple of years, there has been a growth in the discussion about representation on television. Many people are starting to speak up about the lack of race, weight, or gender in shows and movies. They are tired of seeing one type of person, specifically one type … Continued

Terrorism vs. Mental Illness: A News Media Paradox

By: Noah Chani/Arab America Contributing Writer Since 2010, there have been 61 mass shootings in the United States. Twenty-eight years prior, in 1982, there was a total of 51 mass shootings. Given this spike, a trend within the news and media world has appeared in the discourse of how we label and talk about the … Continued

American Media and the Arab World: Then to Now

By: Noah Robertson/Arab America Contributing Writer Western media and the Arab world, what a story! For years, there has been a lot of criticism about the media’s coverage of the Arab world and its people. Just like other racial, religious, and ethnic groups in the past, Western media portrayed the Arab world as a breeding … Continued

Inaccurate Representation of Muslim Women and Men In Hollywood

By: Raneem Ghunaim/ Arab America Contributing Writer        Is the representation we get in movies and TV shows accurate? To answer that question, no we don’t. Over the years the Arab/Muslim community has had such a bad reputation in Hollywood. Many of our favorite shows and movies have included stereotypes and racist comments through their episodes. It … Continued

The Arab Media Needs to Encourage Debate

SOURCE: GULF NEWS BY: JUMANA AL TAMIMI Shortly after the Las Vegas shooter Stephen Paddock massacred 58 people week before last, I sent a message to some of my friends saying “all one hears is that the culprit is a ‘local’ (not a terrorist) and this actually says quite a lot”. What the term a … Continued

Help ‘We Are Not Numbers’ break the isolation of Gaza

By: Pam Bailey Source: Mondoweiss Today is the 50th anniversary of the Israeli occupation of what now is called the Palestinian territories. This shameful milestone is being marked with a plethora of pundit commentary about Trump’s potential role, the continuing division among the Palestinian leadership and—in the background—the ever-expanding Israeli settlements. But in addition to … Continued

Jack Shaheen’s 5 Tips for Combatting Arab Stereotypes in the Media

BY: Julia Jahanpour/Contributing Writer Jack Shaheen, writer and lecturer on social stereotypes, spoke at the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs (WRMEA) conference this past Friday, sharing his observations of how Arabs are portrayed in American society and film. He began his speech by quoting the Greek philosopher Plato: “Those who tell the stories rule society”. … Continued

Arab/Muslim Radio Talk Show Hosts Combine Broadcasts to Link Arab, Muslim and Mainstream Audiences in Dearborn and Chicago

Radio talk show hosts Laila alhusinni in Dearborn and Ray Hanania in Chicago announced they will be combine their weekday radio shows to create one simulcast every Friday to link audiences in both cities and regions. alHusinni is the host of “Good Morning Michigan” which broadcasts Monday, Wednesday thru Friday on WNZK 690 AM Radio … Continued

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