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Kuwait Excludes Firms Dealing with Israel from any Oil Work

SOURCE: MIDDLE EAST MONITOR Kuwait Petroleum Corporation has ordered the Kuwait Oil Company to review lists of qualified oil companies which have any kind of relations with Israel, the local Al-Rai paper reported. According to the Kuwaiti newspaper, sources said that this requested review would be “difficult” due to the “massive network” among global companies … Continued

Kuwait’s Community Coffeeshop Wave

SOURCE: AGSIW.ORG BY: LEANAH AL AWADHI Kuwait has had local traditional coffee shops, or maqhas, since its early years, starting with those in its local market, or souq. However, similar to Kuwait’s famous gathering halls, or diwaniyahs, these places were usually restricted to men. Over the last two years, Kuwait has experienced a boom in … Continued

The State of Kuwait Strongly Stands by the Palestinians

By: Noor Almohsin/Arab America Contributing Writer      Since the Arab Spring turmoil in the Middle East, the Palestinian issue has not become the major matter that concerns the Arab States. Historically, Arab Officials at different levels were most outspoken about the Palestinian case at various national and international congregations. This outpouring support for Palestine dramatically … Continued

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