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Chutzpah* or Goodwill? Israeli Prime Minister Brokers Russia/Ukraine Peace—How about Peace with Palestine?

Israeli Prime Minister Neftali Bennett is playing a role as mediator between Russia and the Ukrainians. Bennett suggests that his criticism of Russia is mild so that he can keep the lines open with both sides to encourage mediation. Contributing writer John Mason, suggests that the PM use this occasion to rethink the issue of Palestinians, such that their situation is accorded equivalence with refugees everywhere.

Why KFC is a Luxury in Gaza

How many stories have you heard of Palestinians in Gaza, being deprived, or denied of basic human rights, such as medical attention, education, travel, the right of business?  Palestinians living in Gaza aren’t allowed to fish past a certain point off their own coast. They are even being deprived of something as small as fast food, like KFC which is a huge luxury in Gaza.

Only a short time later—Another elder Palestinian dies at the hands of Occupying forces—this time as he protects his right to his little patch of ground from the Settlers

MSNBC’s Ali Velshi reported a story about an elder Palestinian, a shepherd and prominent activist, who valiantly resisted Israeli occupation through civil disobedience. Before the Velshi clip had been put back in the can, a pro-Israel media advocacy group in Boston picked up on his story, castigating him and the story. Contributing writer, John Mason, takes us into this story and a brief review of international law on foreign occupation, suggesting that Israel is contravening fundamental rules of international humanitarian law.

Death of 80-year-old Palestinian American Retiree following Military Detention in West Bank—Will it Spur changes in Visa Waiver Program, Easing Transit through Israel to the Homeland?

80-year-old Palestinian American, Omar Abdalmajeed As’as, a successful Milwaukee grocer, was detained by Israeli soldiers near his West Bank village, where he’d retired to. He died while either in custody or just after being released. His treatment is used by contributing writer, John Mason, to highlight the typical mistreatment of Palestinian Americans visiting the occupied territories who, until recently, have had to transit via Jordan or Egypt.

Palestinians of Gaza — Under Israeli Blockade, Suffering Egregiously from Disastrous Effects of War — Awaiting Support from the West

Palestinian rights groups have pressed U.S. Senators to compel Israel to report on the Israeli blockade’s negative impacts on Gazan citizens. As a result of the Israel-Gaza war, Gazan Palestinians have undergone extreme damage to their health and well-being. The special coordinator for the Middle East peace process of the United Nations has weighed in on the need in Gaza for humanitarian efforts and an easing of access and movement restrictions for people and goods. Contributing writer, John Mason, describes the pathetic medical and health conditions in Gaza.

Palestinian advocacy can’t win on such an uneven playing field—Human rights issues rise and fall in the U.S. and Israel

American workers have been trying to support Palestinians in several ways over the years. Recently Amazon and Google workers have tried to influence their companies’ decisions to supply the Israeli military and government technology used to harm Palestinians. Another case is of AFL-CIO workers who have voted to condemn Israeli violence against Palestinians and to end U.S. financial aid to Israel. On the Israel side is the government’s attempt to quell the important work of six Palestinian human rights organizations. Contributing writer, John Mason, these three grassroots attempts to support Palestinians.

Tit for tat or business as usual? AOC vows to block U.S. missile sales to Israel as Prime Minister Bennett says no to a Palestinian state

AOC vows to block U.S. missile sales to Israel as Prime Minister Bennett says no to a Palestinian state
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, congressional representative, along with several other progressive reps., is trying to halt the U.S. sale of missiles to Israel. The claim is that such missiles were used against Gaza the last time around and could be used like that again. This is a harder line of offense than is usual from the U.S. House. Meanwhile, an equally hard line has been taken by Israeli Prime Minister, Neftali Bennett, in claiming to put an end to any idea of a Palestinian state, whether part of a two-state or single Israeli-Palestinian state solution. Contributing writer, John Mason, takes us into the heart of this frayed issue.

Lessons From the Ben & Jerry’s Boycott

SOURCE: ARAB AMERICAN INSTITUTE BY: DR. JAMES J. ZOGBY Some expected that all hell would break loose when Ben & Jerry’s, the ice cream company, announced that as of 2022 they would no longer license the sale of their products in occupied Palestinian territories. After an initial hysterical response from Israel and its supporters in … Continued

What Jerusalem Means To Us: Muslim Perspectives and Reflections

Saliba Sarsar and Carole Monica C. Burnett, eds. What Jerusalem Means To Us: Muslim Perspectives and Reflections N. Bethesda, MD: Holy Land Books/Noble Book Publishing Incorporated, 2021.  By: Rita Mashni / Special to Arab America What Jerusalem Means to Us: Muslim Perspectives and Reflections is a publication of the Holy Land Christian Ecumenical Foundation (HCEF), … Continued

Act.IL: Gamifying Anti-Palestinian Propaganda

By Evan Ploeckelman / Arab America Contributing Writer Have you always enjoyed hearing about foreign propaganda bots in the news? Have you always dreamed of spreading propaganda yourself but have been saddened by the lack of opportunity to do so? Do you have no qualms about spreading propaganda for a foreign nation with a long … Continued

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