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Pathbreakers of Arab America, Tenth in Series: Lisa Halaby/Queen Noor of Jordan

This is the tenth in Arab America’s series on American pathbreakers of Arab descent. The series includes personalities from entertainment, business, sports, science, academia, and politics, among other areas. Arab America highlights our tenth pathbreaker, Lisa Halaby, Queen of Jordan, Noor al-Hussein (‘the light of Hussein,’) Arab American, former architect/urban planner, proud daughter of Lebanese American Najib Halaby and Doris Carlquist. Her background allowed Lisa to adapt to the role of Queen in the royal family of King Hussein of Jordan. Lisa, now the widow of King Hussein, is a global activist for peace and justice.

The Busy Streets of Karbala, Iraq to Commemorate Ashura Day

By: Yaara Aleissa / Arab America Contributing Writer Karbala’s significance The city of Karbala, in central Iraq, holds a rich history. The holy city stands witness to stories that took place over a millennium ago. Yet the narratives remain embedded like recollections of yesterday.  Karbala’s significance goes back to 680 CE when the Battle of … Continued

The Rich History of the Islamic Center of Washington, D.C.

By Salma Heram, Arab America Contributing Writer The Islamic Center of Washington, D.C. has been a cornerstone in the Muslim community in Washington, D.C. for centuries since its opening in the 1950s. The Arab diplomatic community played a crucial role in the building and establishment of the center, leaving an important legacy for years to … Continued

Al-Nakba: The 75th Anniversary Commemoration of ‘The Catastrophe’ of 1948

2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the major displacement of Palestinians at the time of Israel’s founding in 1948, Al-Nakba, which the United Nations will commemorate on May 15 in New York. While Israel’s progress since 1948 as an economic and military powerhouse is remarkable, it has done so at the expense of its most vulnerable peoples, militarily occupied Palestinians. John Mason, contributing writer, reports on Al-Nakba and on a U.S. belated rush to initiate a Saudi-Israel accord that seems aimed to quell innumerable external threats against Israel.

China-brokered Saudi-Iran Détente Upsets U.S. Mideast Paradigm

Here, we review the recent China-brokered Saudi-Iran détente. It is suggested that this will upset U.S. and Israeli interests. Some critics say this move by China is a poke in the U.S. eye. Will it allow China to overtake the U.S. as Middle East power broker? Contributing writer John Mason details possible worries for Israel stemming from the Saudi deal with Iran. He also reviews what the détente might mean for Palestinians, especially in the backdrop of a rabidly right-wing and very hungry-for-territory Netanyahu government.

Women’s Rights in the Arab World: What We Can Learn from the Mahsa Amini Protests in Iran

By: Norah Soufraji/ Arab America Contributing Writer Following the killing of Mahsa Amini (or Jîna her native Kurdish name) by Iranian “morality” police, chants of Women, Life, Freedom are being heard across the globe. Protestors have flooded the streets of Iran’s cities demanding drastic social and political change. Memories of the distinctly youth and female … Continued

Biden’s Highwire Pilgrimage to the Middle East puts Israel and Saudis First, Leaving Palestinians in the Proverbial Lurch

iden’s rhetorical flourishes during his presidential campaign were favorable to the Palestinians. During his recent visit to the M.E., President Biden dashed the hope of Palestinians by giving them almost nothing. Oil and Iran dominated the dialogue with Israel and Saudi Arabia. Peace among Israelis and Palestinians became more and more remote. Contributing writer, John Mason, walks us through Biden’s fateful visit.

Biden goes Beyond Trump’s Commitment in Defending some Saudi and Gulf Countries

Disturbingly, President Biden is following ex-president Trump’s path. First, he is overlooking MBS’ part in the brutal murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi. Second, he intends to commit American soldiers’ lives to defend Gulf dictatorships. Contributing writer, John Mason, reports on these gross inconsistencies in U.S. policy towards Saudi Arabia and the Region.

Development of Technology and Video Games in the Middle East

By: Anthony Bayyouk / Arab America Contributing Writer Video games and social media have become very popular across the Arab World. Technology saw a huge influx during the Arab Spring when it was used to organize protests and show the world what was happening in the Middle East. With the rise of technology and video … Continued

Nothing New for Humanitarian Angelina Jolie, Now the Actress Focuses on Helping Yemen Refugees

Angelina Jolie is focusing her attention on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Contributing writer, John Mason, reports on how Jolie emphasized that each crisis deserves equal treatment by humanitarian agencies, citing the equal needs of such countries as Ukraine and Yemen. Jolie has been a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations for over two decades, during which time she has gained worldwide praise for her commitment.

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