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History of Mandeans and Their American Community

By Evan Ploeckelman / Arab America Contributing Writer Many religions have risen and fallen throughout the history of the Middle East. One such community which has withstood the religious changes of the region is the Mandeans. Their unique faith is in trouble, however, due to the conflicts in Iraq over the last few decades and … Continued

Chicago: A Welcoming City for Refugees from the Arab World

By: Claire Boyle / Arab America Contributing Writer Introduction: The city of Chicago is known for many things; its deep-dish pizza, interesting politics, worldwide cultures, Lake Michigan, and the 1871 Great Chicago Fire. But were you aware that Chicago is also a center of immigration for refugees of the Arab World to come to and … Continued

Arab Names Lost at Ellis Island

By: Lindsey Penn/Arab America Contributing Writer Ellis Island, the major point of entry to the United States on the East Coast, saw more than 12 million immigrants from its opening in 1892 to closing in 1924. As millions of people walked through the doors, they signed their names and set out to start their new … Continued

Nagi Mohsin Daifullah and the Forgotten Yemeni Farmworkers of California

By: Omar Mansour/Arab America Contributing Writer For years, Filipino and later Mexican workers had organized against the low pay and harsh working conditions in the fields of large California growers. In 1965, workers from the two largest farmworker groups at the time came together to organize a strike against the biggest growers in California’s central valley. … Continued

The History of Arab-Cubans: When Did They Arrive?

By: Christian Jimenez/Arab America Contributing Writer The history of Cuba has always been a complex and multi-ethnic one where stories have played out between indigenous people, the Spanish, and Afro-Cubans. However, did you know that there was another group that has had an impact on the country’s history and culture? If you guessed they were … Continued

Arab Immigrant Integration In America

By: Udochi Esomonu/ Arab America Contributing Writer  America is a nation founded on the principle of welcoming diversity, of welcoming individuals from all walks of life, cultures, ethnicities, religions, creeds, and backgrounds. America is a nation that masks in the beauty of immigration; it celebrates the various stories of people who have bravely retreated from … Continued

From Palestine To El Salvador: The Story of Palestinian-Salvadorians

By: Noah Robertson/Arab American Contributing Writer Up until 1918, present-day Palestine existed under the Ottoman Empire. As with any other empire or country, Ottomans left the empire in search of a new life with new opportunities. After 1908, Young Turk Revolution led to forced conscriptions and with World War I on the horizon. Many Palestinian … Continued

Arab Americans: Voting Our Values

By Mona Hanna-Attisha, Arab America Contributing Writer   This is a generation-defining moment for our nation. And it is no time for our community to be silent.  I am a proud first-generation Iraqi American. My family is part of the international diaspora of Iraqi immigrants displaced over generations, particularly after the rise of Saddam Hussein … Continued

Hello Neighbor: Helping Create a New Home for Arab Refugees in Pittsburgh

By: Emily Tain/Arab America Contributing Writer No matter which country one comes from, being a refugee or immigrant can be terrifying. Arab immigrants and refugees face a plethora of obstacles ranging from language barriers to adjusting to culture shock to discrimination both socially and in the workforce. This is no different in the city of … Continued

Trump Scapegoats Arabs in Migrant Crisis

Photo: BBC By Amy Hensler/Arab America Contributing Writer  On October 22nd, President Donald Trump tweeted about the Central American migrant caravans, stating that “sadly, it looks like Mexico’s Police and Military are unable to stop the Caravan heading to the Southern Border of the United States. Criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in. I … Continued

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