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Arab America Foundation Announces Connect Arab America: Empowerment Summit–November 12-14, 2021

For Immediate Release Washington DC (August 4, 2021): Register now for this year’s second CONNECT Arab America: Empowerment Summit from November 12-14 in Dearborn, Michigan (November 14th is optional). This historic in-person event connects and empowers Arab Americans across the country by engaging participants, performers, and exciting speakers in public service, business, influencers, and artists. … Continued

Do I Look White to You?: The “White Arab” Myth in America

By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī / Arab America Contributing Writer White or Wrong? There was an alleged mass shooting at a Boulder, Colorado grocery store on March 22, 2021. This followed the Atlanta, Georgia spa shooting by a white man who had a “really bad day.” In the same token, social media quickly ruled that the Boulder suspect … Continued

Dr. Jack Shaheen: Resisting the “TV Arab”

By: Qaïs S. Ahmadī/ Arab America Contributing Writer Before the silver screen, the television, and social media, stories were told by storytellers in spoken word. In ancient cultures, orators speak of religion, history, wars, and epics, etc. In the Arab and Muslim world, stories are still performed. However, these stories are muted by Western orientalist … Continued

Labels for Arabs and Why they Might be Incorrect

By: Emily Tain/Arab America Contributing Writer Labels we use to describe ourselves and others are fluid and subject to time, political climate, and personal experience. Because of this, it can be difficult to find a way to label someone when you are unfamiliar with their culture. Arabs are often subject to hearing a myriad of … Continued

The Trauma of Being Palestinian

Mohammed Alhammami, seeing snow-covered mountains for the first time. By: Mohammed Al-Hammami/Arab America Contributing Writer A chain of mountains covered in pure white, trees extending beyond the reach of the eye, blue bodies of water mixed in with the white, brown, and green. This was the scene I drank in as I stood atop “Mary … Continued

“You were called Bin Laden?”: Being Mistaken as Muslim

BY: Julia Jahanpour/Contributing Writer Bassem Youssef, Egyptian satirist and talk show host, explains that in America, Islamophobia reaches beyond actual Muslims, and into the rest of the Arab American community. Guests share their stories of being the victims of racial slurs, as well as being treated like terrorists and extremists. One woman was forced to … Continued

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