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Gaza Under the World

By: Ahmed Abu Sultan/Arab America Contributing Writer    Gaza, also referred to as Gaza City, is a Palestinian city in the Gaza Strip. Inhabited since at least the 15th century BC, Gaza has been dominated by several different peoples and empires throughout its history. In Semitic languages, the meaning of the city name is fierce … Continued

Ancient Arab Beauty Secrets You Can Find In Your Kitchen

By: Blanche Shaheen / Arab America Contributing Writer When people think of Arab beauty, they might think of kohl lined almond eyes, thick lush  hair, high cheekbones, full lips, and flawless  glowing skin. Arab women  have had many years to practice, as their beauty regimens have evolved for centuries since 3500 BC, even  before the … Continued

The History and Cultural Significance of Iraqi Tea

By: Arab America Contributing Writer / Aseel Ferman MA. PhD. Applied Linguists Iraqi tea is one of the most important hot drinks served in almost every Iraqi house. People arekeen to serve it after main meals or afternoon hours with biscuits, cookies, or cakes. MostIraqis, if they do not drink tea in the morning after … Continued

The Queen of Sheba in Pop culture: Her Origins & Influence

By: Menal Elmaliki / Arab America Contributing Writer There’s a fight in the café where a woman sits hogging an entire table, a man sits near her, and she smacks her lips. The man bewildered, and slightly annoyed, replies sarcastically, “Who do you think you are, the Queen of Sheba?” A popular pop culture reference … Continued

Custom And Culture Guild For The Middle East

By: Anthony Bayyouk / Arab America Contributing writer From Morocco to Kuwait, the Arab world covers 22 countries and has become a popular destination for many travelers. These are endless reasons why someone may visit the Arab world; business, vacation, and religious reasons are just a few. Ever since oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia … Continued

How Dots & Vowels Were Added To The Quran.

BY: Anthony Bayyouk / Arab America Contributing Writer During the early days of Islam, the Quran was first written without dots and vowels. Each Arabic letter has three sounds and each one is written differently. As an Arabic reader, you know what sound is made depending on where the dots are placed on a letter. … Continued

The History of the Nabataean Kingdom

By: Christian Jimenez/Arab America Contributing Writer There were many great kingdoms and empires during the Classical Age of History such as the Roman Empire, the Han Empire, the Sassanid, and Parthian Empires. However, another less known, but equally interesting kingdom was the Nabataean Kingdom whose Arab rulers lived in modern-day Jordan which is where this kingdom’s … Continued

The History of the Arab Revolt of WW1 and its Aftermath

By: Christian Jimenez/Arab America Contributing Writer The First World War (WWI), also known as the Great War, was one of the deadliest conflicts in human history, killing millions.  Along with these innumerable deaths, its aftermath made things even worse as the Treaty of Versailles between the Allies and the Central Powers laid the seeds for … Continued

Traditional Music in Morocco Series (Episode 4 of 7): Ahwash

By: Claire Boyle / Arab America Contributing Writer Introduction: The country of Morocco is one of many cultures, beautiful architecture, amazing cities, and it also has its own unique musical and dance genres that are borne out of numerous traditions. These traditions stem from many influences including the cultures of the Amazigh, Arabs, Berbers, Gnawa, … Continued

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