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The Rahbani Brothers: The Architects of Fairuz’s Legacy

By: Fedal Hanoun / Arab America Contributing Writer People frequently refer to Fairuz, the legendary Lebanese vocalist, as the “Voice of the Arab World.” Her divine voice, combined with her meaningful lyricism and captivating songs, has resonated with audiences for decades. The Rahbani brothers, Asad and Mansour, contributed their brilliance and creativity to her exceptional … Continued

How My Arab American Upbringing Prepared Me for Policing

By: Sarah Shendy / Arab America Contributing Writer Arab America contributing writer, Officer Sarah Shendy, shares how growing up in an Arab American home shaped her approach to policing. After joining the police academy, she quickly realized her passion for supporting the community. Grounded in the values of her upbringing, Officer Shendy leads with heart—relying … Continued

Abraham Rihbany in New York’s Syrian Colony

By: Arwa Almasaari / Arab America Contributing Writer Abraham Rihbany arrived in New York on October 6, 1891, and quickly found refuge within the Syrian colony. Fellow Syrians promptly came to his aid, lending him the necessary funds to survive. Beyond financial support, the colony helped him secure shelter, employment, and a sense of community, … Continued

Voices of Change: The Fight for Better Conditions Among Moroccan Doctors

By: Rania Basria / Arab America Contributing Writer In recent weeks, Morocco has been rocked by major protests by doctors, ushering in a new chapter in the fight for better working conditions and resources in the country’s healthcare system. This newest wave of demonstrations reflects growing frustration among medical professionals with the healthcare sector’s chronic … Continued

Bridging Cultures: A Comprehensive Guide to Moroccan Arabic (Darija) and Amazigh (Berber)

By: Rania Basria/ Arab America Contributing Writer Morocco is a fascinating nation recognized for its diverse cultural heritage, historical sites, and magnificent scenery. The two principal languages spoken by its inhabitants are Moroccan Arabic (Darija) and Amazigh (Berber), which are essential to comprehending its core. Arab America contributing writer, Rania Basria says, these languages represent … Continued

Hezbollah Must not Give Israel a Pretext to Occupy South Lebanon

By: Ghassan Rubeiz / Arab America Contributing Writer It seems that early on Tuesday, Israel started a ground invasion of Lebanon, aimed at neutralizing Hezbollah’s infrastructure and influence. Reports are not clear yet on the intensity and long-term plan of this operation. Israel has complex motives in trying to re-occupy resource-rich southern Lebanon. Perhaps the most … Continued

Pathbreakers of Arab America—Alia Shawkat

This is the sixtieth of Arab America’s series on American pathbreakers of Arab descent. The series includes personalities from entertainment, business, sports, science, academia, journalism, and politics, among other areas. Our sixtieth pathbreaker is Alia Shawkat, actress, producer, singer, and painter. Her father is an Iraqi Christian and her mother is American. As John Mason, contributing writer, reports, Alia is best known for her role in ‘Arrested Development,’ a popular, long-running Fox/Netflix TV sitcom series. Joining that series at age 14, she has spent more than half her adult life as a professional actor.

How Moroccan Atay Goes Beyond Simply Tea

By: Nissrine Bedda / Arab America Contributing Writer Atay (“mint tea” in Darija) is the renowned beverage of Moroccan customs and hospitality. Whether it’s gathering around the table to enjoy some mint tea with family, accompanied by some harcha for merienda (“afternoon tea”), or enjoying it with a nice view from a Moroccan rooftop along … Continued

The Value of Traditional Arabic Music in the U.S.

By: Sami Abu Shumays / Arab America Contributing Writer I’ll never forget a conversation I had around 15 or 16 years ago when flying cross-country to perform. A chatty middle-aged white woman sat next to me on the first leg of my flight, engaging me in small talk.  Eventually she asked what I did for … Continued

​​Salom Rizk’s Syrian Yankee: A Misfit in Arab American Literature?

By: Arwa Almasaari / Arab America Contributing Writer Salom Rizk’s Syrian Yankee (1943) has largely been avoided in Arab American literary discussions, not only due to its assimilationist rhetoric but also because of its promotion of problematic views, such as anti-Arab racism and Islamophobic tropes. However, understanding Rizk’s personal history and the historical context in … Continued

UC Berkeley’s New Initiative in Palestinian and Arab Studies

By: Arwa Almasaari / Arab America Contributing Writer The University of California, Berkeley is set to launch a new endowed program and chair in Palestinian and Arab Studies, one of the few such initiatives in the U.S., amid growing interest in the region due to Israel’s war on Gaza. The program, named after May Ziadeh, … Continued

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