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Blanche Shaheen

Hindbeh – Dandelion Greens with Caramelized Onions

By: Blanche Shaheen/Arab America Contributing Writer Hindbeh: A Palestinian and Lebanese Delicacy Health experts say we should eat like our grandparents and for good reason–our ancestors not only ate whole unprocessed foods, they intuitively knew how to combine and prepare foods for maximum nutrient absorption. Take for example this popular Palestinian/Lebanese dish of braised dandelion … Continued

Koshary- the ultimate comfort food of Egypt

By: Blanche Shaheen/Arab America Contributing Writer Koshary is the ultimate Egyptian comfort food: If there is one dish served in countless Egyptian homes, street corners, and restaurants, it would have to be the ubiquitous koshary. Koshary is Egypt’s national dish that originated during the mid-19th century, during a time when Egypt was a multicultural country … Continued

Middle Eastern Delicacies Make Grand Entrance in American Markets

By: Blanche Shaheen/Arab America Contributing Writer As a child growing up in the United States, there were very few Middle Eastern restaurants, except for a couple of good-quality falafel shops. Hummus wasn’t even considered cool then, just some creamy beige paste my parents slathered on my pita sandwiches to the shock and horror of my … Continued

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