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Egyptian Adventurer Wants Space to be a Reality for Young Arabs

SOURCE: AFRICA NEWS Egyptian adventurer Omar Samra has returned from a lunar simulation mission focusing on researching human factors in space. On the 49th anniversary of the moon landing Samra, was chosen to be part of team SPECTRA, a team of five analogue astronauts who conducted 40 research projects over two weeks in complete isolation. … Continued

Singapore’s Arab Community Traces Ancestral Roots to Yemen

SOURCE: MY SALAAM BY: JOANNA TAN SINGAPORE: The first car to arrive in Tarim, a historic town in the Hadhramaut Valley of Yemen, was an American Studebaker. It had traveled across oceans and continents to get there — but not without the help of one prominent Arab family in Singapore. “Tarim’s first car was bought … Continued

Israel in Turmoil over Bill Allowing Jews and Arabs to be Segregated

SOURCE: THE GUARDIAN BY: OLIVER HOLMES Israel is in the throes of political upheaval as the country’s ruling party seeks to pass legislation that could allow for Jewish-only communities, which critics have condemned as the end of a democratic state. For the past half-decade, politicians have been wrangling over the details of the bill that … Continued

Arabs and the World Cup

SOURCE: AHRAM ONLINE BY: ABDEL MONEIM SAID Football is a vast school that teaches people not just how their national teams can become champions, but how their countries can realise progress in all fields, writes It was a sad week for all Arabs after the four Arab teams competing in the World Cup suffered a … Continued

Knesset Disqualifies Bill Seeking Equal Status for Jews and Arabs

SOURCE: ALJAZEERA BY: ALI YOUNES Israel’s Knesset disqualified a bill that called for all citizens to be treated equally, rejecting the argument it must recognise the rights of its Arab minority as equal to the Jewish majority. The text of the bill stated its objective was “to anchor in constitutional law the principle of equal … Continued

Opinion// What It’s Like to Be an Arab in Israel

SOURCE: HAARETZ BY: IRIS LEAL Sometimes I wonder what it’s like to be an Arab in Israel. What’s the day-to-day most banal sense of such an existence? And when I think about this, shamefully not often enough, I imagine that the feeling resembles a ponderous self-awareness that a person has to carry around almost all the … Continued

Cleric Seeks Apology from Iran State TV for Insulting Arabs

SOURCE: THE WASHINGTON POST BY: ASSOCIATED PRESS TEHRAN, Iran — An Iranian cleric said Friday the state-sanctioned broadcaster owes an apology to the country’s Arab minority for insulting them in a recent program. Semi-official Tasnim news agency quoted Ayatollah Mohsen Heidari, prayer leader of the Khuzestan provincial capital Ahwaz, as telling worshippers that state TV … Continued

Emotions Run High for Israeli Arabs as Land Day Approaches

SOURCE: THE JERUSALEM POST BY: BEN LYNFIELD In the run-up to Friday’s Land Day events marking the anniversary of the 1976 shooting deaths of six Arab protesters against land expropriations, Arab MKs on Wednesday charged that today there is also a severe attack against Arab property. “Sometimes I feel that every day is becoming land day … Continued

Apricots: The Golden Seeds of the Sun

By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer Called by the Persians the ‘golden seeds of the sun’ and once a favoured aphrodisiac food in the Court of James I, apricots are one of the earliest fruits known to man.  Some even believe that they were possibly the ‘apples’ in the Garden of Eden. Through the centuries, … Continued

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