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Terrorism vs. Mental Illness: A News Media Paradox

By: Noah Chani/Arab America Contributing Writer Since 2010, there have been 61 mass shootings in the United States. Twenty-eight years prior, in 1982, there was a total of 51 mass shootings. Given this spike, a trend within the news and media world has appeared in the discourse of how we label and talk about the … Continued

The Arabs Who Left Their Mark on Colombia

By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer “Nashara al-Islam bi-khawafiq al-aclam (Islam spread under waving banners).” I could not believe my eyes as I read these words etched in Arabic on a church bell preserved in the Palacio de la Inquisición in Cartagena – Colombia’s foremost resort.  It was dated 1317 A.D. and presumably brought to … Continued

‘Food, Language and Fear of War’ Unify Arabs, as Can Muhammad Malas’s Movies

SOURCE: THE NATIONAL BY: KALEEM AFTAB The legendary Syrian director changed Abu Dhabi-based Nezar Andary’s outlook on identity Muhammad Malas was the director of the first Syrian movie to be screened at the New York Film Festival. Nezar Andary It was in October 1993 that academic and filmmaker Nezar Andary first saw a movie by esteemed Syrian director Muhammad … Continued

An Arab Request: Please Stop Reinforcing These Stereotypes

Arabs speak Arabic, right? Or is it Arabic speaks Arab? Or maybe Arabians speak Arabia? SOURCE: STEP FEED BY: REEM ALMOWAFAK Imagine this: You’ve finally saved up the right sum of money to travel abroad in an attempt to escape the florescent light illuminating your office cubicle. Then, it hits you. A different form of … Continued

Traveling to Spain’s La Rabida: The Birthplace of the Americas

By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer In Spain’s spectacular city Seville, it seemed that every person we talked to was proud of Christopher Columbus who five centuries ago changed the history of the world forever.  This Genoese sailor was the subject of almost every conversation I had with some of the people that I met … Continued

Beyond Flying Carpets: a Colourful History of Arabs in Western Film

A fascinating new exhibit in Beirut is showcasing 108 original movie posters advertising Western films set in the Arab world SOURCE: THE NATIONAL BY: INDIA STOUGHTON The original poster for the 1924 American film ‘Thief of Baghdad’. Courtesy Abboudi Abou Jaoude The original poster for the 1924 American film Thief of Baghdad hangs on the wall of … Continued

15 Funny Questions Asked to Arab Americans

via GIPHY By: Udochi Esomonu/Arab America Contributing Writer Arab Americans are Americans who are of Arab descent and are citizens or are permanent residents of the United States. While Arab Americans remain an essential ethnic group in the United States, many are unaware of the various cultures that are celebrated by Arab-Americans; therefore, leading to … Continued

‘Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan’ and the Quest for Reel Good Arabs

As the fictional CIA agent gets his own series on Amazon, questions are again raised about representation in Hollywood SOURCE: GULF NEWS BY: MARWA HAMAD Hollywood has been guilty of casting non-Arabs in Arab roles for decades, over-representing the ‘Muslim terrorist’ and doing it badly. Ambiguously brown actors standing against dusty backdrops, barking out threats … Continued

Egyptian Adventurer Wants Space to be a Reality for Young Arabs

SOURCE: AFRICA NEWS Egyptian adventurer Omar Samra has returned from a lunar simulation mission focusing on researching human factors in space. On the 49th anniversary of the moon landing Samra, was chosen to be part of team SPECTRA, a team of five analogue astronauts who conducted 40 research projects over two weeks in complete isolation. … Continued

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