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Syria’s Assad meets Christian clerics

posted on: Jun 12, 2015

Syrian president Bashar Assad met today, in Damascus, with members of the Holy Synod of the Universal Syrian Orthodox Church.

The president confirmed that the terrorist aggression, stemmed from the Takfiri extremist ideology, is targeting the diverse social and cultural fabric in the whole region, particularly in Syria.

Through upholding to its history, culture and roots, the Syrian people succeeded in opposing such subversive mentality, the President said.

He addressed the delegation that the key factor to challenge this radical terror ideology, which recognizes neither nationalities nor borders, is through adhering to the moral values espoused by all holly religions. These values are based on open-mindedness, tolerance and freedom of belief.

For their part, the delegation, headed by Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, made clear that Syria has been and will continue to be Home for all Syrians with various affiliations, and a sanctuary for all those who have faith in generous values of humanity despite of the vicious terrorist war currently waged against the country.

The delegation members also voiced confidence on the Syrians being capable of achieving victory and defeat terrorism, thanks to their steadfastness, the sacrifices of the Syrian Army, as well as the wisdom and bravery of its leadership.
