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Search Results for arab culture

6,474 Results (Page 515 of 540)

Arab America

The Caliphate Fantasy

Jul 3, 2014

The jihadist insurgent group ISIS, or as it now prefers to be called, the Islamic State, appears well on the(...)
Arab America

Bill Gates Partners With Jeddah Bank For $2.5bn Fund

Jul 2, 2014

Microsoft chairman and founder Bill Gates has partnered with the Jeddah-based Islamic Development Bank (IDB) to set up a $2.5bn(...)
Arab America

Amer Zahr: 7 Reasons Why Being White is Awesome

May 16, 2014

I have been saying for a fairly long time that we Arabs are not white, despite both our lack of(...)
Arab America

HCEF's Urgent Appeal for Peace and Hope in Syria

May 16, 2014

HCEF is deeply concerned about the unceasing human suffering in Syria. Despite the divisiveness of the conflict, HCEF has found(...)
Arab America

Jimmy Carter: United Palestinian Government May Provide New Opportunities for Peace

May 13, 2014

Although intensive Middle East peace efforts by Secretary of State John F. Kerry have not produced an agreement, they have(...)
Arab America

Busboys and Poets' Productions Presents a Free Staged Reading of Leila Buck's: In The Crossing

May 6, 2014

In 2006, Lebanese-American writer/performer Leila Buck was introducing her Jewish husband Adam to her family in Lebanon, war erupted between(...)
Arab America

Hashim Shawa, Chairman and General Manager of Bank of Palestine, to Receive the HCEF 2014 Corporate Social Responsibility Award

Apr 30, 2014

Mr. Hashim Hani Shawa, President and Chairman of the Board, Bank of Palestine, will receive the 2014 HCEF (Holy Land(...)
Arab America

Noor Theatre to Present World Premiere of The Myth Project

Apr 18, 2014

A diverse cast of thirteen join Noor Theatre Artistic Director Lameece Issaq, Executive Director Maha Chehlaoui, and Producing Artistic Director(...)
Arab America

Last Chants: How a Rock Drummer Became the First to Record the Sounds of Syria's Nearly Lost Spiritual Traditions

Apr 17, 2014

It all began with a bad cell phone connection. Musician and all-around creative instigator Jason Hamacher was about to drive(...)
Arab America

Lina Hourani Harajli new ACCESS Chief Operating Officer

Mar 24, 2014

ACCESS, the largest Arab American human services nonprofit in the United States, announced Lina Hourani Harajli as its Chief Operating(...)
Arab America

Detroit Art Exhibit Brings Home Horrors of Syrian Civil War

Mar 19, 2014

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Arab America

US Palestinian Community Network: Return Unifies Us, March 22, 2014

Mar 13, 2014

USPCN is proud to be a signatory to this statement and demand for the Right to Return and the protection(...)

6,474 Results (Page 515 of 540)