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President Obama to Meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu in November

posted on: Sep 17, 2015

A meeting many believed only a short time ago would not be taking place is slated for November 9 at the White House when President Obama will host Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. The president has been reassuring his pro-Israel constituents and Israelis themselves that in the aftermath of his overwhelming diplomatic victory in defending the Iranian nuclear agreement against defeat in Congress, the United States will redouble its commitment to Israel’s safety in order to offset one of the primary concerns of critics of the Iranian deal: that a windfall of more than $150 billion caused by the lifting of sanctions will be used by Tehran’s terror proxies Hizbullah and Hamas against the Jewish state. Setting the meeting with Netanyahu, with whom his differences and personal dislike are well known, is apparently meant to be seen as a positive gesture regarding the US-Israel relationship, albeit in the form of a victory lap. The White House has said that the itinerary will include the Iranian agreement as well as the fight against ISIS. But it won’t be all warm and fuzzy: President Obama is expected to again turn up the heat on Netanyahu regarding the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Obama has the momentum following his success and is arguably in position to remind Netanyahu that despite the intensity of its efforts, the size of its budget and majority of Republicans, the anti-agreement forces were unable to even force a veto of the resolution of disapproval. Prime Minister Netanyahu is headed to Moscow next week for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding Syria, the Russian military build-up there, and the sale of Russian arms that Israel anticipates will trickle down to Hizbullah and Hamas terrorists.
