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How Do You Like your Hummus? Here’s 10 Ways!

posted on: Sep 18, 2019

By: Myrna Daher/Arab America Contributing Writer

Hummus this, Hummus that, Have you seen the huge shelves lately in major grocery stores such as Costco, Kroger, Safeway, and Giant? Have you been recently at non-Arab gatherings and homes that are serving Hummus? Now, we’re experiencing the Hummus revolution! How do you like yours?   

We know one style of Hummus and multiple different ways of eating it, but what about different ways to make it? As the popularity of Hummus continues to take over, especially in the vegan/vegetarian world, there have been multiple levels of unique ways to make it. As most people know, Hummus is a traditional Arab Mezza, and it is often served at Arab and non-Arab households in America. Let’s dive in deeper on the evolution of Hummus in America.


Avocado Hummus has been a popular style, not just to eat green hummus, but it’s a mixture of two very healthy types of food.  Avocados help protect the liver while aiding in digestion, which helps promote weight loss. Additionally, it lowers inflammation in the heart and helps with the production of Vitamin A. Whereas chickpeas, the main ingredient in Hummus, brings in the nutrients packed with protein, manganese, and folate. The combination of an avocado with chickpeas equals a power-house which is perfect for a healthy lifestyle.


Trader Joe’s always sells quickly out of this style of Hummus. The delicate mix of garlic and chickpeas are the secret, but it’s the lemon and olive oil that give it it’s delicious flavoring. Garlic itself has tremendous benefits and you can learn to receive more information from The Astonishing Benefits of the Magical “Trio” in Arab Cuisine. In addition, roasted garlic hummus is loaded with antifungal/bacterial properties, which is important to clean our digestive system. You don’t even notice how impactful it is when you are dipping pretzels or carrots into this type of Hummus!


Another popular Hummus that people go crazy for, is roasted red pepper! Peppers are loaded with Vitamin C and antioxidants. Perfect to cure any cold and still get a full stomach. Additionally, red peppers are loaded with beta-carotene which helps with vision, and peppers help with inflammation. Garnish finely chopped peppers on top and it’s ready to serve!


Wooooh, talk about a little kick! Jalapeno Hummus is hands-down a must-try. The innovation behind this and the healthy ingredients packed in this combo is golden. Not only does it have garlic mixed in, but peppers… a spicy pepper, which has benefits of weight loss, due to its chemical of capsaicin that aids weight loss by speeding up your metabolism. Jalapenos combat arthritis, cancer, headaches, nasal congestion, ulcers, high blood pressure, and fluid loss. Most importantly, it tastes so delicious as a casual dip for an appetizer or snack!


Beef Shawarma is already a famous/popular dish in the Middle East, and as Arab Americans, we already mix it with Hummus. Arab’s turned Americans on to this combo by adding it as a Mezza or for some a fulfilling meal. What’s even better is the meat used is lamb, which is loaded with B-Complex vitamins, and folate, biotin, pantothenic acid, and choline. The consumption of lamb provides and delivers an abundance of antioxidants and minerals, which helps against oxidative stress. Then, to top it off,  garnish with sauteed pine nuts. These are loaded with protein, iron, magnesium and monounsaturated fat.


If this isn’t one of the most unique Hummus dishes! This is one to try and impress yourself and guests. Beets are packed with vitamins and minerals, especially those who are holistic. Beets contain high levels of vitamin A & C and Niacin which helps with inflammation while detox your blood and support your heart. There are high levels of vitamins and minerals, which supports anti-aging benefits. For the full list of ingredients refer to the steps Leave us a comment below after you experience this delicious dip!


Looking for continuous benefits and scrumptious taste? The taste of carrots with Hummus! Carrots are such a unique way to incorporate good health and good taste. The health benefits of carrots are unlimited and contain benefits such as, fiber to help facilitate digestion, 276% of vitamin A to improve eyesight and vitamin K which prevents stroke and heart disease. In addition, its minerals are loaded with manganese, potassium, copper, and iron. For the full recipe, refer to and add some color to your kitchen table


Who wants to move olive oil drizzled on their hummus? Oh, is that you? If so, this style of hummus is right for you! By adding green olives into the blender provides an additional hit of the olive flavor. But why not try this hummus? This style of hummus brings a whole new level of nutrition, and your guest will love this flavor of the dip. Olives are high in vitamin E, which is great for hydration and adding luminosity to the skin while providing powerful antioxidants. You can get substantial iron, which provides oxygen in the red blood cells. Additionally, copper mineral to help prevent heart disease and calcium for muscle and nerve support. All of these benefits come from olives… how incredible!


Did one ever think that this would be a big hit? Well, probably not, but it is worth a try. This is pretty far fetched but after you bake your sweet potatoes, you’re ready for your sweet potatoes (recipe)  to add into the blender, along with the other basic ingredients. If you are vegan or have a restricted diet, here’s your option for healthy eating with tremendous health benefits. In sweet potatoes, you receive 400% of vitamin A, high in fiber and potassium. Interestingly enough sweet potatoes help with diabetes based on the low levels of glycemic which help stabilize and reduce low blood sugar and insulin resistance. Based on high amounts of fiber and helps with digestion, it also helps prevent colon cancer and prostate cancer. Additionally, sweet potatoes help fertility, immunity, and inflammation. With these great benefits, you better try this dip next time!


Let’s end with the traditional hummus that many people forgot about. Arab and non-Arab Americans will always continue to make this classic Mezza and each country within the Middle East has their own twist, although the ingredients are the same. Traditional/Basic Hummus is prepared with the main ingredients: chickpeas, tahini (sesame oil), garnished with parsley and olive oil. Now let’s get back to the important stuff, the health matters of hummus and it’s a powerhouse of chickpeas, the main ingredient. As previously mentioned in a recent article Yalla/Come-on, Let’s Eat Like an Arab, chickpeas help stabilize blood sugar levels, encourage digestion, a great source of plant-based protein, and vitamins and minerals. Traditional hummus is a great way to start off and you may even create your own style of hummus

Let’s take a moment to bow down and praise our Arab roots for this traditional dish, which has taken Americans by storm over the last couple of years and has evolved into so many unique healthy dishes. It’s great that Americans can experience the Arab and Arab American culinary heritage through health foods such as Hummus  Arab cuisine can be a positive influence and promote a healthier lifestyle.