Fashion Trust Arabia Supports Local Talent With New Prize Initiative
LONDON — As the Arab fashion industry continues to gain ground, a new charitable venture, Fashion Trust Arabia, is being launched and it’s spearheading a new prize initiative to support local design talent through mentorship and funding.
The initiative, which follows on the footsteps of the British Fashion Council’s Fashion Trust, will be chaired by Sheikha Moza Bint Nasser – who holds the title of honorary chair – and co-chaired by Sheikha al- Mayassa Bint Hamad Al- Thani and Tania Fares, founder of the Fashion Trust in the U.K.
Sheikha al-Mayassa Bint Hamad Al-Thani Courtesy Photo
A wide range of local and international business and fashion leaders are said to participate in the new venture, joining its executive committee or judging panel and mentoring participating designers. Fashion Trust Arabia is yet to announce its committee members
The launch of the prize aims to coincide with the increased interest in the growth potential of the region’s fashion industry, to support local talent that has so far been operating under-the-radar and spark investment opportunities.
Fashion Trust Arabia’s inaugural prize will be awarded at an event hosted in spring 2019.