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Fact Checking Your Assumptions About Arab Americans

posted on: Nov 1, 2017

BY: Nisreen Eadeh/Contributing Writer

In Arab America’s mission to combat negative perceptions about Arab Americans, we are hashing out the negative stereotypes, clichés, and weird assumptions we’ve heard over the years about our identity. It is important to remain active in the fight against assumptions, while working to project an accurate and positive image. Particularly during these final days before the election, it is necessary to let people know who we are and how we fit into American society.

Share this list with anyone in need of some guidance on Arab American culture, history, and life.

Don’t assume all Arab Americans are…

1. Muslim


For too long, the labels “Arab American” and “Muslim” have been used interchangeable by members of the press, but in fact, nearly 65% of Arab Americans are Christian. Thus, assuming Arab and Muslim politics are the same tells us that you didn’t do your research.

2. Native Arabic speakers


Arabs have been migrating to America for over a century. Just like other immigrant groups, the language has been lost as generations get further removed from their ancestral lands. Plenty of Arab Americans don’t speak Arabic, and assuming they do or should speak Arabic belittles the “American” part of their identity.

3. In an arranged marriage


This is just a ridiculous stereotype that needs to disappear. Yes, Arab American families are very close and parental approval of partners is important. However, it is not a cultural norm to force women and men into marriages.

4. Hate America


“If you don’t like it here, then go back to where you came from.” This is something we’ve heard many times before. But we’re from here, and we’re staying here. Arab Americans love their homes and lives just as much as any other American. If they’re critical of some part of America, that is their right to free speech – not an excuse to test our patriotism.

5. Rich from “oil money”


First of all, only a handful of the 22 Arab countries in the world are oil-producing. And most Arab Americans do not come from those countries, making this cliché that much more inaccurate. If you see an Arab American family that is living comfortably, that’s because they worked very hard to get there.

6. Married to multiple wives


This is another silly idea about Arab culture that has to stop.

7. Proponents for Sharia law


Evangelicals across the country are passing anti-Sharia laws in their local and state governments because of this irrational fear that Arab and Muslim Americans want to somehow “impose” Sharia in their communities. It’s not happening, though. No one wants Sharia law. Divert your attention to a real problem that actually exists.

8. Related to terrorists/know of terrorists/approve of terrorists


Arab Americans are just as unrelated to terrorists as every other American. We are equally as horrified by crime and violence, regardless of the skin tone of the attacker.

9. Anti-Semitic


Arab Americans are unapologetic in their criticism of Israel’s policies that negatively affect Palestinians and other Arab countries. By constantly pitting Muslims and Jews against each other in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, we are forced to believe it’s a religious war and all Arabs are anti-Semitic (and Muslim). Again, that’s just not true. We are critical of Israel the way we are of any country that violates human rights and international law.

10. Single-issue voters


Indeed, the U.S. relationship with Israel is something Arab Americans criticize often, but that does not mean we are single-issue voters that only vote for the person who loves Israel the least. We also care about education, social security, tax reform, healthcare, job security, the economy, and much more.

11. Immigrants


We’re not all immigrants, so please stop portraying us as people with thick Arabic accents in film and television. Granted, Arabs are one of the fastest growing immigrant communities in the country. However, there are millions of Arab Americans who were born here dating back to the middle of the 19th century, possibly earlier.

12. Come from uncivilized countries


Scholars argue that civilization began in the Arab world, so this stereotype is just wrong. Hospitals, libraries, mathematics, and coffee shops all came from Arab countries. And the products we love so much in America, such as iPhones, heart pumps for cardiovascular surgery, chess, and guitars were all invented by Arabs. Keep that in mind when asking if an Arab has ever heard of Pepsi.

13. From the Middle East only


The Middle East is a colonial British term for the countries of the Levant (Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon), but it also includes the rest of Asia Minor, such as Israel, Turkey, Iran, and Iraq. But there are 22 Arab countries in the world. Arabs are from North Africa and the Persian Gulf, too, making us much more diverse than some think.