TLS: Mapping as Decolonial Praxis: From Algeria to Palestine and Hawaii

Date(s) - 04/04/2024
12:15 pm - 1:45 pm
Heyman Center for the Humanities
Free USD
Contact Person:
The Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities
New York, New York. Part of the Society of Fellows’ Thursday Lecture Series “Alternatives/Concessions”
This talk will give a glimpse into Dr. Joudah’s ongoing research and book project which focuses on how indigenous communities use mapping as an imaginative decolonial praxis. Starting with the remapping of pre- and post-independence Algeria as inspiration and a nodal point of inquiry, the study grows to a comparison of contemporary countermapping efforts for Palestine and Hawaii. These various creative processes range from archiving, the design of reconstructing destroyed villages, to the embodied imagining of protest and land restoration – all of which stand as testaments to indigenous duration.
Nour Joudah is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Asian American Studies at UCLA and a former President’s and Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Geography at UC-Berkeley (2022-23). Dr. Joudah completed her PhD in Geography at UCLA (2022), and wrote her dissertation Mapping Decolonized Futures: Indigenous Visions for Hawaii and Palestine on the efforts by Palestinian and native Hawaiian communities to imagine and work toward liberated futures while centering indigenous duration as a non-linear temporality. Her work examines mapping practices and indigenous survival and futures in settler states, highlighting how indigenous countermapping is a both cartographic and decolonial praxis. She also has a MA in Arab Studies from Georgetown University, and wrote her MA thesis on the role and perception of exile politics within the Palestinian liberation struggle, in particular among politically active Palestinian youth living in the United States and occupied Palestine.
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