Scaling Up Solar Energy Investment in Yemen

Date(s) - 04/24/2023
10:00 am - 11:15 am
Contact Person:
Middle East Institute
Several countries in the MENA region have been facing financial crises of The Middle East Institute is pleased to partner with the Rethinking Yemen’s Economy Initiative (RYE) to launch a policy brief on scaling up solar energy investments in Yemen. This brief asks: How viable are applications of specific solar energy in Yemen’s fragile context? How feasible is partnering with the private sector in the energy space? Can there be a switch from an exclusive focus on large, fossil fuel-based, centralized power generation plants to a stronger prioritization of smaller, distributed renewable power generation plants? Can Yemen shift from centralized planning and implementation to empowerment of local authorities? Instead of overemphasizing support for small, stand-alone solar systems, can the country prioritize innovative financing models and market-creating interventions that promote sustainability of the sector at scale?
In addition to presenting the findings from the report and recommending practical steps to address the challenges of scaling-up investments in Yemen, this expert panel will discuss the paradigm shift needed to address the energy crisis in Yemen and kickstart meaningful economic activity in this war-torn country.
Marie-Christine Heinze
President of Center for Applied Research in Partnership with the Orient (CARPO)
Rafat Ali Al-Akhali
Fellow of Practice, Strategic Projects, Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford
Akram Almohamadi
Energy Researcher, Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
Jessica Obeid
Non-Resident Scholar, Middle East Institute
Mohammed Mahmoud, moderator
Director, Climate and Water Program, Middle East Institute