"Palmyra&Petra:Pre-Islam Arab Civilization/Beliefs" ZoomTalk-Rietveld-Sep26

Date(s) - 09/26/2024
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Ipso Facto
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Join us on Zoom for another Salon lecture on “Palmyra & Petra” Pre-Islamic Middle Eastern Civilization/Beliefs” for Ipso Facto by Dr. James Rietveld Thursday, September 26, 8 pm.
Pay What You Wish: www.eventbrite.com/e/993737594897
In the West when we think of Middle Eastern cultures and beliefs, we automatically think of Islam and the great Arabic Civilizations established following their seventh century CE expansion over much of the Middle East, South Asia, and North Africa into Spain.
But before the advent of Islam, the Arabs were polytheistic, creating sophisticated civilizations that thrived beyond Arabia into what are now Jordan, Palestine, Syria, and Iraq.
The Roman archaeologist Warwick Ball declared: “When viewing the spectacular ruins of Petra or Palmyra it is not often appreciated that one is examining Arab civilization as much as if one were examining Islamic Damascus or Baghdad.”
The Arab Nabataean Kingdom created the sculpted wonders of Petra, while the Arab Palmyrene Kingdom, centered upon major trading metropolis of Palmyra, challenging the power of the Roman Empire.
As far as their beliefs, the Jinn, who were later incorporated into Islam were often appeased or feared by these ancient Arabs, while they worshipped such gods as Dushara, Manat, and al-‘Uzza, the latter described as the mighty goddess.
The Islamic State (ISIL), especially Palmyra, today is threatening much of these regions.
We will learn why this Palmyra is so important even from a modern standpoint.
In fact, we will learn how much of this Arab legacy continued into the Islamic era.
Join us as we explore the rich Arab heritage that was already thriving long before Muhammad in the seventh century CE.
This lecture will be posted on the Dr. James Rietveld Salon Lecture You Tube channel, where you can also watch previous lectures: https://www.youtube.com/@dr.jamesrietveldsalonlectu2903
Dr. James Rietveld is a professor at CSU, Fullerton and Cal Poly Pomona, CA of History, Anthropology, Religion with a PHD from Claremont School of Religion, is author of two books, and can be seen on History channel’s “Crazy Rich Ancients.”