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Is There a “Day After”? The Future of Post-War Gaza

Is There a “Day After”? The Future of Post-War Gaza

Date(s) - 09/26/2024
7:00 am

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Middle East Institute

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Almost a full year into the war, and after months of failed cease-fire negotiations, Israel’s ongoing assault on Gaza has resulted in more than 40,000 dead, including at least 16,500 children, destroyed most of its civilian infrastructure, and uprooted 90% of Gaza’s 2.3 million inhabitants but has so far failed to achieve its stated goal of eliminating Hamas. Although Hamas is likely to survive the onslaught, the future of the Gaza Strip the “day after” the war ends remains highly uncertain. What is Israel’s endgame for Gaza? And how does this align with the needs of ordinary Palestinians and the expectations of the broader international community? Will Gaza even be inhabitable after the war? If so, what will be needed to address the massive humanitarian, infrastructural, economic, security, and governance needs of the population? To address these and other questions about the future of Gaza, the Middle East Institute (MEI) is pleased to invite you to join a virtual panel discussion.

Sep 26, 2024 07:00 AM PST

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