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Grieving Gaza through Writing: A Workshop

Grieving Gaza through Writing: A Workshop

Date(s) - 08/08/2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

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Open Book


Donation USD
Contact Person:
Sana Wazwaz
New Arab American Theater Works

WORKSHOP DESCRIPTION: As the worst slaughter in Palestinian history ensues, we often feel a crushing pressure to write solely to dismantle Zionist lies. There’s an overwhelming urgency to use our art to refute, represent, or effect material change. Or, we’re too daunted to even begin writing–for we feel incompetent in our ability to represent an entire cause. But what’s often dismissed is the need to just let ourselves grieve–to write honest, mundane reflections on everyday life as we resist in the US; as students, workers, organizers, and/or Palestinians in diaspora. By erasing these rounded, human stories, we allow Zionists to colonize our grief, too.

Join us for a writing workshop on channeling our grief into the written word, and doing so with authenticity and humanity. Bring a writing device. Open to all; Palestinian, Jewish, and BIPOC folks especially encouraged.


FACILITATOR BIO: Sana Wazwaz is a Palestinian-American writer, performer, and organizer. As a writer, she was a member of New Arab American Theater Works’ Inaugural Playwright Incubator Program, where her debut play, Birthright Palestine was performed in a staged reading in April 2023. Her work has been published in the Ghassan Kanafani Arts Anthology, Common Dreams, The LA Progressive, and is forthcoming in Water~Stone Review. As an organizer, Sana currently serves as the president of American Muslims for Palestine Minnesota (AMP-MN). Sana holds a BA in Creative Writing from Augsburg University and is currently the Production and Administrative Assistant at New Arab American Theater Works.

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