China’s Growing Role in the Middle East: Regional Geopolitics and US Policy

Date(s) - 08/11/2023
10:00 am
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Arab Center Washington DC is convening a panel of experts to discuss China’s evolving foreign policy and its increased engagements in the MENA region, as well as their implications for regional geopolitics, the global political order, and US policy and influence. Is this a new era of Chinese foreign policy and regional primacy? What is the scale and scope of China’s role and influence in the Middle East? What are Middle East states’ strategies and priorities in this regard? Is China pursing a new foreign policy strategy to assert its influence in the region and in the Global South more broadly? Will China succeed in presenting itself as an alternative to the western model for Middle East states and replacing the US as the leading external power in MENA? Can China play a more forceful diplomatic role in the region and lead peacemaking and reconciliation efforts? Is Beijing’s leverage dependent on its relations with Iran? What are the implications for great power competition between the US, Russia, and China? How is the China-US rivalry affecting US commitments to human rights and democracy in the region? What recommendations can be made for US policy in the Middle East in light of these developments?