Biomedical Secrets of Ancient Egyptian Mummies

Date(s) - 04/13/2023
6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
The Lyceum
0.00 USD
Contact Person:
American Research Center in Egypt
Alexandria, VA
Speaker Bio
Frank Rühli is Founding Chair (Full Professor) and Director of the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, as well as Dean of the Medical Faculty, University of Zurich, Switzerland. He has / had multiple visiting Professorships (a.o. NTU Singapore, The University of Adelaide). Since c. 25 years he heads the Swiss Mummy Project and has examined hundreds of mummies globally. His active work experience in Egypt includes sites in Saqqara, Valley of the Kings, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, el-Assasif / Khokha or at the Egyptian Museum Cairo. His main research interest are: Paleoradiology (x-ray, CT, MRI, Terahertz), ethical aspects of mummy studies, histological analyses, ancient DNA studies, anthropometric research, the study of embalming techniques and experimental mummification. He has given lectures and workshops in Egypt in Cairo, Luxor, Fayum and Bahariya. His mummy-related work has been funded a.o. by the Swiss National Science Foundation, The German Science Foundation and the Swiss Federal Office of Culture.