Artificial Intelligence and Human Rights: The Case of Israeli Surveillance of Palestinians

Date(s) - 06/15/2023
10:00 am - 11:30 am
0.00 USD
Contact Person:
Arab Center Washington DC
Online Event
Arab Center Washington DC is convening a panel of experts to explore the role of artificial intelligence in the Israeli occupation and its biometric surveillance of Palestinians, and to discuss the implications for human rights and international humanitarian law. How is Israel using AI and other tools to fragment, segregate, control, and dehumanize the Palestinian population? How does technology affect Palestinians’ experiences living in a constant state of insecurity and being subjected to violence that is increasingly becoming automated? What is the relationship between Israel’s tech industries and its military apparatus? What is the legal framework covering the use of AI in the context of occupation? And what recommendations can be made to counter the discriminatory and inhumane effects of this and other technologies?
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