Arabian Dance session 2023

Date(s) - 06/28/2023
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
Commonwealth Fire Co No 1
20 USD
Contact Person:
Nutcracker Showcase 2023
Arabian Dance Session
Join Kareena for Arabian Dance session which is a veil choreography class culminating in a performance video. This is a weekly class, Wednesdays 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm, where dancers will learn an original choreography to Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s “Arabian Dance” from The Nutcracker Suite. The final date of the session will be a chance to video record a costumed performance of the choreography to be later used in the Nutcracker Showcase 2023.
Register by filling out this form:
along with a $20 registration fee.
All level of dancers are welcome to this session. All dancers will be expected to participate in the video recording. Dancers will have to supply some of their own costume parts. Kareena will provide additional costume parts. There is a $20 registration fee that will be refunded at the conclusion of the dance session when all costume parts provided are returned.
Register by filling out this form along with a $20 registration fee.