AFRP Day of Action - Join Us in the Nation's Capital and Advocate for Palestinian Rights

Date(s) - 10/19/2023 - 10/22/2023
All Day
Capital Hill
On Website USD
Contact Person:
Each year, the Federation organizes a summit in Washington, DC, where dedicated young adults from across the country convene to advocate for Palestinian human rights on Capitol Hill and build power within the Palestinian American community. Participants will have the opportunity to meet directly with Members of Congress and their staffers to voice their concerns over Israel’s ongoing occupation and human rights violations, and advocate for the advancement of legislation and policy that holds Israel accountable and defends Palestinians’ rights.
The most recent AFRP Day of Action (formerly known as the Emerging Leaders’ Summit) was held in November 2019. Delegates from California, Virginia, New Jersey, New York, Texas, Florida, Maryland, Michigan, and Illinois met with congresspeople and visited the Department of State. The purpose of these meetings was to convey our collective concern for the violation of human rights in Palestine and advocate for the advancement of legislation in the House and Senate to protect Palestinian children.
Delegates also have the opportunity to learn and share with guest speakers. In 2019, we had the privilege to hear from speakers from the Arab American Institute, Serve your city, Occupation Free DC, JustVision, and from the Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations.