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The Good and the Bad of Al Kitaab

By Emily Tain/Arab America Contributing Writer Textbooks can be critical when it comes to learning a language, especially at the university level. Conversation in class helps refine skills and pronunciation, but readings, vocabulary lists, and practice activities are a necessary complement for in-person instruction. When it comes to learning Arabic, there is no textbook in … Continued

The Relationship Between Arab Women and the Engineering World

By: Raneem Ghunaim/Arab America Contributing Writer  Statistically speaking, in the Arab World, more women are pursuing a STEM major rather than other countries. In the past decade, the US number of students pursuing an engineering degree has been the same, 30% of students enrolled, but only 20% make to graduation. Meanwhile, in the Arab World, … Continued

Interested in Assyria or Ancient Egypt? See these 8 University Programs

By Emily Tain/Arab America Contributing Writer Most high school and university students can recognize the Classics as the study of ancient and classical Rome and Greece. Few, however, know much about the rest of the Mediterranean during the ancient and classical periods. While some high school curricula may briefly gloss over Ancient Egypt and call … Continued

Finally Getting a Place at the Academic Table—A  New Faculty Chair in Palestinian Studies at Brown University

By: John Mason/Arab America Contributing Writer The first faculty endowed chair in U.S. academia dedicated to the study of Palestine and Palestinians was announced by Brown University. Renowned professor Beshara Doumani has been named the first holder of the ‘Mahmoud Darwish’ Chair of Palestinian Studies. Doumani is a noted scholar who has mentored generations of … Continued

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