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U.S. Presidential debate

Chickpeas and Checkpoints: Hummus in the Shadow of Arab-Israeli War

By: Yara Marei / Arab America Contributing Writer Food has a unique way of bringing people together, and celebrating it will make you enjoy your meal and feel grateful to receive grandma’s recipes generation after generation. So can you imagine that this great moment of grace and pleasure can be easily stolen, just like the … Continued

Biden Drops Arabic Phrase, Insha’Allah, to Mock Trump on his Tax Returns, Lighting up Arab Twitter—Is it Praiseworthy or Pandering?

By: John Mason/ Arab America Contributing Writer Presidential candidate Joe Biden’s usage of the phrase Insha’Allah during a chaotic debate with President Trump lit up Arab Twitter. For those who recognized the Arabic phrase during the debate, its usage implied any number of different meanings, good, bad, and indifferent. Since Insha’Allah is a heavily freighted … Continued

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