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Take a Tour of These Spring Gardens Amidst a Pandemic

By: Yasmina Hage/Arab America Contributing Writer Spring, what a wonderful season. It announces the end of the cold and the beginning of the summer holidays. Flowers and trees bloom, bringing joy to our lives and our cities. This season is a magnificent explosion of colors! In addition to the beauty of the landscape offered by … Continued

Sanctions on Syria Strike Women the Hardest

By Dr. Lina AbiRafeh/Arab America Contributing Writer Syria continues to see no end to its protracted crisis, ongoing since 2011, in addition to an economic crisis and a coronavirus lockdown. Under such conditions, women in Syria have borne the brunt of violence and insecurity. And Syrian refugee women in neighboring Lebanon, Jordan, and Turkey face … Continued

Pandemic Repercussions in Syria

By: Grace Friar/Arab America Contributing Writer For nine years, Syria has faced a brutal civil war that has left the public health infrastructure in shambles and millions of Syrians displaced in less than optimal conditions. As the COVID-19 pandemic spreads, aid workers and experts are raising concerns of the potentially devastating toll on the already … Continued

10 Incredible Scenic Photos of Rivers in the Arab World

By: Dani Meyer/Arab America Contributing Writer Rivers and other bodies of water are the source of life and are vital to establishing important civilizations. Rivers also play an important role in the water cycle and provide a vital ecosystem for many plants and animals. Rivers in the Arab World are particularly important due to a … Continued

Archbishop Hilarion Capucci: A Freedom Fighter for Palestine, Loved by Arab Christians and Muslims, A Retrospective

By: John Mason/Arab America Contributing Writer While some dramas during the Ramadan season are racing to promote the idea of ​​normalization with Israel, the series “Hares Al-Quds”–Guardian of Jerusalem, traces the biography of the late Archbishop Hilarion Capucci, a Syrian Melkite Christian cleric, born in Aleppo. The series was written by Hassan Youssef and directed by … Continued

Ahlan Simsim! Television Show for Young Arab Children

By Emily Deveraux/Arab America Contributing Writer Ahlan Simsim! Ahlan Simsim means welcome Sesame in Arabic. It is also a new television show curated by the Sesame Workshop and the International Rescue Committee’s humanitarian program. The International Rescue Committee announced in tandem with Sesame Workshop the beginning stages of Ahlan Simsim in 2016. However, the first year … Continued

Who Were the Greatest Arab Singers of the 20th Century?

By Randa Necola/Arab America Contributing Writer  Arabs are known for their love of music which is reflected in their successful music industry. The most famous Arab singers not only had the love of the Arab people but achieved success outside the Arab world as well. As we reflect on the years past this New Year, … Continued

Colors of the Arab World: Meaning and Symbolism

If you are wondering why you see green throughout our website, it is because green is the color of the Arab world! There are many symbolic meanings and representations behind the color green and the other colors of the rainbow. Arab America Contributing Writer Emily Devereaux says different colors can carry different meanings and symbols … Continued

How War has Destroyed History in the Arab World

By Cara Zanta/Arab America Contributing Writer It is devastating to see all the destruction war can do, especially in major historical sites in the Arab World, most recently,  Iraq. The fundamental importance of cultural heritage as an expression of one’s identity is on the brink of being abolished in areas of the world. The value … Continued

Labneh (Yogurt Cheese) the Cream Cheese of Arab Cuisine

By: Blanche Shaheen/Arab America Contributing Writer No Arab breakfast is complete without the addition of labneh (yogurt cheese), which has a consistency similar to airy cream cheese. Smooth, tart, light, and creamy,  labneh gets a dose of good fats and robust flavor when drizzled with fruity olive oil. You can sprinkle this spreadable cheese with … Continued

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