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Rewriting the Music Playbook: Harget Kart’s Art of Fusion

By: Yara Marei / Arab America Contributing Writer Imagine a band that takes the ordinary, lights it on fire, and from the ashes creates something extraordinary. This is Harget Kart—a name that, in the Arabic Jordanian dialect, means “to burn a photo card.” Just as their name suggests, Harget Kart has set the conventional boundaries … Continued

Tariq Ibn Ziyad: The Story of the Muslim Conquest of Andalusia

By Mehdi El Merini / Arab America Contributing Writer In the early 8th century, the Iberian Peninsula was on the brink of monumental change. The catalyst for this transformation was Tariq ibn Ziyad, a formidable Berber general whose actions led to the beginning of the Muslim conquest of Andalusia. This conquest would forever alter the … Continued

Spain Emerges as an Advocate for Palestinian Rights 

By: Ziyan Qutub / Arab America Contributing Writer  Pedro Sánchez, the prime minister of Spain, is attracting worldwide notice as he has taken a stand for Palestinian people. By fashioning his diplomacy to back the Palestinians, he has ventured onto ground that not even the alliance’s most self-consciously distinctive member, France, has dared to tread. … Continued

How Spanish Replaced Andalusian?

      By: Ahmed Abu Sultan/Arab America Contributing Writer    Andalusia is the southern autonomous community in Peninsular Spain. It is the most populous, and the second-largest autonomous community in the country. The Andalusian autonomous community is officially recognized as historical nationality. However, this name stemmed from an Arabic origin centuries before the Christian … Continued

Dominio Árabe: A History of Arab Rule in Spain

By: Holly Johnson/Arab America Contributing Writer Spain has long been considered a country brimming with culture, opportunity, and mystifying historical significance. Driven by its unique geographic borders, nestled in the Iberian Peninsula, it is the only European country to have a physical border with an African country. It maintains territory off of the Canary Islands, … Continued

The Worldwide Celebration of Arab Cinematic Treasures

By: Holly Johnson/Arab America Contributing Writer Film is not just an escape from life, but also a glimpse into the very fabric that binds us together. From Hollywood blockbusters to Bollywood gems, and indie flicks in-between, films have the ability to capture us with their magic, sprinkling a bit of fairy dust into our lives … Continued

Moor Impact On Traditional Spanish Food Than Many Know

By: Noah Robertson/Arab America Contributing Writer In 1492, the last stronghold of the Al-Andalus kingdom, the Arabic name for the Iberian Peninsula, fell in Granada and the Moorish influence began to fade, but not without leaving lasting impacts on Spanish food, culture, architecture, language, and its people. Though we are going to talk mostly about … Continued

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