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Five Cool Things You Never Knew About the Arab Tea Ritual

By John Mason/Contributing Writer 1. Tea is not Just about Sipping a Drink  As part of my research as an anthropologist, I visited many people’s homes around the Arab World. Interviewing folks did not simply involve sitting down and questioning them. It almost always involved the traditional tea ritual. Tea preparation in the traditional manner … Continued

Eid Al-Adha Holiday: A Lesson of Sacrifice and Generosity

By Michaela Schrum/Contributing Writer When traveling to Morocco to study abroad, I was lucky to have witnessed the Eid Al-Adha with the preparation of a lamb as part of the celebration and an appropriate enactment of the sacrifice the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) made.   Most Americans prefer to be more removed from the process of … Continued

Why American Muslims are Becoming More Liberal

By: Meriam Helal/ Contributing Writer American Muslims are one of the fastest growing populations in the United States, yet they are the most misunderstood. Pew Research Center and the Institute for Social Policy and Understanding (ISPU) took a rare look at this growing community to understand changes in the past decade. The American Muslim community … Continued

The Future of Palestine in the Age of Trump: Is there Hope?

By Michaela Schrum/Contributing Writer Jared Kushner, President Trump’s son-in-law and presidential advisor, met with both Palestinian and Israeli officials on August 24 to discuss what some are hoping will produce a comprehensive peace initiative to be implemented in the future. Former U.S. presidents have had this conflict on their to-do lists for a while now. … Continued

Arab World Foundations Enriched Understanding of Eclipses

    By: Michaela Schrum/Contributing Writer For most people in the United States, the total solar eclipse yesterday was a chance to marvel at our vast universe and science. However, for a select few, it was a reminder of achievement, and by what means that achievement was reached. For thousands of years, cultures and civilizations … Continued

Fruit Up Your Shisha

  BY: Yara Jouzy/ Contributing Writer  Shisha is a major part of many Arabs ‘ daily lives, especially in the Middle East. Whether its a chill night with your family or after a long day of work, there’s usually shisha involved. It’s a way to relax, unwind and socialize. Shisha was more of a cultural … Continued

10 Arab Salads You Can’t Miss This Summer

BY: Nisreen Eadeh/Contributing Writer Arab food is filled with copious salads, small plates, and healthy toppings to heavy dishes. Using the vegetables and herbs native to the lands of our ancestors, Arab Americans have maintained salad traditions in daily life. Along the way, Arabs everywhere have developed new approaches to putting vegetables on the kitchen … Continued

The Arab American Immigrant Every Country Would Desire

By: Dr. Hoda Amin/Contributing Writer Back home, in Lebanon, since my childhood, I was very studious and competitive. Most of my grades were very high. I couldn’t wait to get home to show dad my report cards when we got our final grades. I remember one day when I came home to show dad my latest … Continued

11 Ways Arab Millennials are Different from their Parents

By: Ani Karapetyan/Contributing Writer Children of Arab immigrants who were born and grew up in the United States are different from their parents in many ways. Technically, they are Americans and consider themselves as Americans.  However, just being American does not quite describe Arab millennials in the U.S. either. Rather, they are Arab Americans who … Continued

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