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10 Reasons that Make Arabs So Attractive

Arabs are one of the most desired groups in the dating and relationship scene worldwide. There are many reasons that make them stand out, however, only 10 of them are listed for you below. These qualities allow Arabs to attract and meet their significant other as well as keep them for life. 1. Beautiful Arabs … Continued

US Embassy Move to Jerusalem? Protests Around the World Say “No Way”

By: Michaela Schrum/Arab America Contributing Writer  After ignoring the advice from numerous foreign policy advisors in the United States and the international community, President Trump last Wednesday announced that the United States would move its embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, and formally recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Since then, the world has … Continued

How is the Christian Community Reacting to Trump’s Decision Regarding Jerusalem?

Meriam Helal/Arab America Contributing Writer The Christian community has reacted differently to Trump’s decision to move the American embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, recognizing it as the capital of Israel. American evangelicals are in favor of this decision, while other Christians, Catholics, and especially Orthodox Christians, are extremely against it. Pope Francis expressed his … Continued

Trump and Jerusalem: The Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back

By: J. Michael Springmann/Arab America Contributing Writer Divide et Impera.  In Imperial Rome, the cornerstone of its foreign policy was divide and rule.  Its essence was to set groups, tribes, and other existing power structures against each other, enabling or facilitating Roman control of a region.  Causing discord and fomenting rivalries helped eliminate opposition to … Continued

World Condemnation of Trump’s Decision Regarding Jerusalem

By: Noor AlMoshin/Arab America Contributing Writer Donald Trump made his decision to relocate the U.S Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Although the status of Jerusalem has not been settled by the Palestinian Authority and the occupying State of Israel, Trump made his decision unilaterally and virtually killed future bilateral negotiations and peace talks. Jerusalem … Continued

Izzie Right? Izzie Wrong? Flynn Lies to the FBI:

By: J. Michael Springmann/Arab America Contributing Writer What. On December 1, 2017, the New York Times reported that Michael T. Flynn, President Donald J. Trump’s former national security advisor, had lied to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).  Most of the article centered on Flynn’s contacts with the former Russian ambassador to the U.S., Sergey I. … Continued

How Arab Americans Communicate Without Talking or Writing!

By: Meriam Helal/Arab America Contributing Writer Arabs can communicate with each other non-verbally with just hand gestures, facial expressions, and by showing emotions with their eyes. These gestures are quite unique and common. Arabs can almost have a conversation without saying a word. Here are some of them. 1. The “What” Arabs can ask you “what” … Continued

The Name of the World’s Most Consumed Fruit Comes from Arabic

By Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer Likely, the first fruit a child gets to know is the much-consumed banana.  A wholesome and delicious treat at any time of the day, it is one of nature’s finest gifts to man.  Readily available and inexpensive, it is a staple of tropical countries and found year-round on the … Continued

Tweets and the Travel Ban: A Shocking Week for Arab Americans

By: Michaela Schrum/Arab America Contributing Writer It’s been an eventful week, to say the least as two pertinent issues affecting the Arab American community, including President Trump’s inflammatory Tweets directed against Muslims and the Supreme Court’s reinstatement of the Trump travel ban directed against Muslim counties. Trump’s Inflammatory Tweets Last week, President Trump retweeted a series … Continued

Most Common Items Arab Americans Bring Back From the Arab World

By: Noor Almohsin/Arab America Contributing Writer  Travelers always like to carry things that remind of the place they visited. The number of these items grow when they return from visits to their home countries. Arab Americans, in particular, tend to carry many different things whether gifts for family and friends or for personal use. This … Continued

Arabs and Muslims Outraged Over Trump’s Jerusalem Plan

According to senior administration officials, today at 1 pm from the White House, President Donald Trump will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and instruct the State Department to begin the process to move the US embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Palestinian national and Islamic groups issued a joint statement calling for three … Continued

Arab Warnings Mount as U.S. Suggests Move to Declare Jerusalem the Capital of Israel

SOURCE:  THE WASHINGTON POST BY: LOVEDAY MORRIS JERUSALEM — Arab nations and Palestinian officials have warned of dire consequences if the United States recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, including potential unrest and an end to the peace process, amid last-minute lobbying to prevent President Trump from making the move. In a late-night call Sunday, Jordan’s foreign minister, … Continued

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