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The Qanun – An Arab Musical Instrument Par-Excellence

By: Habeeb Salloum/Contributing writer “Ahmad my love! Ahmad my love!” You who aids the stranger, salutations to you.” The beguiling voice of Maryem Hassan, inspired by the strings of the qanun, played by Roula Said, rang out that April day in Toronto – Canada’s world-renowned cosmopolitan city. It was the opening song of an evening … Continued

Plowing the Virgin Canadian Prairie

By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer “As a youth in Saskatchewan, I remember thinking,  Why did my parents come and bring us in tow,  From the far Syrian desert with sands blowing,  To the Saskatchewan desert of wind and snow. Our life was one long path of struggling,  To build a future by making grain … Continued

White House Islamophobia Continues to Rear its Ugly Head—Trump Tells Democratic Congresswomen: “Go Back to Where You Came From”

By John Mason/Arab America Contributing Writer President Trump has tweeted an “invitation” to four Congresswomen of color to leave the country. Two of them just happen to be Muslim, giving an Islamophobic tinge to an already xenophobic and racist message. His message is directed at his base of white American nationalists and others who support … Continued

Niche Arab Dessert Hits Mainstream American Supermarkets

By: Blanche Shaheen/Arab America Contributing Writer Ask any Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanian or any Arab for that matter what their favorite dessert is, and they will most likely say without hesitation “Kanafeh!” Most people in the western world might scratch their heads and say..”huh, what is it?” Kanafeh is a legendary dessert with a cult-like following–any … Continued

The Arabic Ink Cliché

By: Katie Teague/Arab America Contributing Writer All around, tattoos of every shape and size greet the eye each day.  What was once a rarity reserved for the bikers and sailors of society, tattoos are now acceptable, if not, must-have in our time.  The tattoo-frenzy of the 21st century required multiple sources of inspiration to keep … Continued

A Sign of Hope? Federal Judge Allows Challenge Towards Muslim Ban

By Alena Khan/Arab America Contributing Writer Last week, a federal judge in Michigan, Victoria Roberts, denied a government request to dismiss a lawsuit against President Trump’s Muslim ban. This action by Judge Roberts allows the ban which limits immigration from several predominately Muslim countries to be challenged, calling out on its blatant unconstitutional religious discrimination.  … Continued

8 Reasons You Should Travel to Beirut this Summer

By: Nana Osei/Arab America Contributing Writer  Summer is the time for traveling the world! However, choosing your destination is not a simple task. Some people may suggest the Caribbean or Italy. But if you’re going to choose anywhere to go, choose this gorgeous city, Beirut. Other than being the capital of Lebanon, Beirut, without exaggeration, … Continued

Hospitality in the Arab World

By: Noah Chani/Arab America Contributing Writer When it comes to hospitality, Arabs are well-known for being masters in the art of welcoming.  Historically, the origins of this behavior stem from the willingness to house and feed rogue desert travelers who passed through town.  The ultimate goal of Arab hospitality is to honor a guest and … Continued

Healthy Desserts: Health, Taste and Enjoyment

By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer “I love desserts but they are so unhealthy!”   How many times have I heard my friends and colleagues say these words?  However, as I created my sweet dishes through the years I found that this is not always true.  Desserts can be tasty yet also be nutritious and … Continued

The Subtext of the Ongoing Census Battle

By: Heba Mohammad/Arab America Contributing Writer In the two weeks since the Supreme Court decided the Administration’s reasoning for including a citizenship question on the 2020 Census was invalid, chaos has ensued as the Department of Justice and the president have shared conflicting information with the public and with the courts about what comes next. Most … Continued

Good Morning Fairuz

By: Katie Teague/Arab America Contributing Writer It’s early morning in the streets of Lebanon.  As the shops begin to open and people sit for their first cup of coffee with one another, a voice begins to sing over the radio.  But not just any voice!  All mornings call for one artist and one artist alone; … Continued

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