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National Arab American Heritage Month Receives 18 State Proclamations from Governors

WASHINGTON DC–This week the Arab America Foundation received its 17th gubernatorial proclamation commemorating National Arab American Heritage Month. The Arab America Foundation through Arab has launched a grassroots effort to organize teams of Arab American activists in over 25 states. Several team members approached governors from all fifty states. “Given the current Coronavirus crisis … Continued

Easter on a South Saskatchewan Farm

By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer It was the mid-1930s and the week before Easter.  For a month, my mother had been gathering and saving onion skins to make Easter eggs.  As well, she had also put aside about five dozen eggs over the past month that she had collected from our few egg-laying hens. … Continued

Maryland’s Arab American “Corona” Heroes Contribute

By: Mai Abdul Rahman/Arab America Contributing Writer While COVID-19 is keeping Arab Americans physically apart from each other, it has also brought them somewhat closer together. Soon after, Gov. Larry Hogan issued a stay-at-home order for Marylanders to stop the spread of the coronavirus; Arab Americans organized virtual weekly meetings to discuss how best to serve their community. … Continued

Arab Americans and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Michigan

By: Rosina Hassoun/Arab America Contributing Writer The data is already indicating that Dearborn, Michigan is becoming a hotspot for the spread of COVID-19. Henry Ford and Beaumont Hospitals that serve Dearborn and other parts of Metro Detroit are beginning to become overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients. I conducted my doctoral dissertation study in Dearborn and the … Continued

The Consequences of the Coronavirus in Lebanon

By: Yasmina Hage/ Arab America Contributing Writer Lebanon is known for its citizens who like to live life to the fullest. Lebanese people like to have fun and enjoy everything. In fact, it is known that Lebanon is a country that never sleeps! Restaurants, for example, stay open all night, in addition to bars and … Continued

How Egyptians Have Been Dealing With COVID-19 Pandemic?

By: Tasnim Elnasharty/ Arab America Contributing Writer  Nowadays, we all know about the COVID-19 pandemic that shocked all the people around the world; in other words, the Coronavirus outbreak. The World Health Organization is around the clock is fighting the effect of this virus all over the world. Countries, with the help of the government … Continued

Fresh Coriander – An Exotic Herb Since Antiquity

By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab America Contributing Writer No one who has tasted fresh coriander, one of the oldest condiments known to man and today the most widely consumed fresh herb, will doubt that it will inspire some to ecstasy.  However, for others it is an offensive herb. Strange as it may seem, there are some who … Continued

Yemeni Population Increasing in Dearborn, Michigan

By: Joyce Behrens/Arab America Contributing Writer Dearborn, Michigan is one of the largest cities for Arab Americans in the United States. A mix of heritages from the Arab world live in this city. One heritage that is rapidly growing is Yemeni. The Yemeni population in Dearborn has increased in the last several years. Many different … Continued

A Tale of Two Arab Doctors on the Frontlines of the Coronavirus: One Arab American, the other a Palestinian Inside Israel

By: John Mason/Arab America Contributing Writer The coronavirus pandemic has spread around the world. The virus has generated myriad stories, of which the following are only two. But these are important stories for a different reason, one for the opportunities available for Arab American health specialists to serve, the other for the gallant service given … Continued

During National Arab American Heritage Month Arab Americans Provide Resources Amidst Coronavirus Crisis

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (WASHINGTON, DC) April 1, 2020 – Each year during the month of April, the Arab America Foundation (through Arab America) and organizations across the country formally recognize the contributions of Arab Americans during National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM). For over a century, Arab Americans have made valuable contributions to virtually every … Continued

Governors Issue Proclamations in Commemoration of National Arab American Heritage Month-April 2020

National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM) commemorates the Arab American heritage and culture and pays tribute to the contributions of Arab Americans in April of each year. The following proclamations have been issued by State Governors in commemoration of National Arab American Heritage Month for April 2020. 22 State Governor Proclamations 1. Arkansas 2. Colorado … Continued

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