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Wonderful Cities to Discover in Algeria

By: Yasmina Hage/Arab America Contributing Writer Many countries are known for tourism and make us all dream. However, had you noticed that every year a new country is added to this list? Because we’re always discovering the beauty of new countries. In fact, there are many countries whose potential is unknown and which finally fascinates … Continued

Hello Neighbor: Helping Create a New Home for Arab Refugees in Pittsburgh

By: Emily Tain/Arab America Contributing Writer No matter which country one comes from, being a refugee or immigrant can be terrifying. Arab immigrants and refugees face a plethora of obstacles ranging from language barriers to adjusting to culture shock to discrimination both socially and in the workforce. This is no different in the city of … Continued

The Good and the Bad of Al Kitaab

By Emily Tain/Arab America Contributing Writer Textbooks can be critical when it comes to learning a language, especially at the university level. Conversation in class helps refine skills and pronunciation, but readings, vocabulary lists, and practice activities are a necessary complement for in-person instruction. When it comes to learning Arabic, there is no textbook in … Continued

The Practice of Yoga in Specific Arab Countries

By: MacKenzie DiLeo / Arab America Contributing Writer Yoga is a mind and body practice that allows an individual to channel their physical abilities and drive for relaxation. Yoga uses a combination of flexible physical poses, enhanced breathing techniques, and meditation. The practice began in south Asia, approximately 5,000 years ago, and it continues to … Continued

The Effects of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam on Egypt

By: Raneem Ghunaim/Arab America Contributing Writer Egypt has been tied to the Nile for decades, and some may even say it is the gift of the Nile. Egypt is associated with the river, which supplies it with a long strip of fertile soil extending across the desert. Egyptians fear that the impact of building over … Continued

Inaccurate Representation of Muslim Women and Men In Hollywood

By: Raneem Ghunaim/ Arab America Contributing Writer        Is the representation we get in movies and TV shows accurate? To answer that question, no we don’t. Over the years the Arab/Muslim community has had such a bad reputation in Hollywood. Many of our favorite shows and movies have included stereotypes and racist comments through their episodes. It … Continued

Her Fascinating Story, a Writer from Nazareth- May Ziadeh

By: Raneem Ghunaim/ Arab American contributing writer Palestinians in general have many talents, they are filled with knowledge and creativity. One of those people is May Ziadeh who is a writer from Nazareth Palestine. Take a look at her fascinating story and life. Insights on Her Early Life May Elias Ziadeh was an Arab romantic … Continued

Arab Americans in the United States Military

By: Grace Friar/Arab America Contributing Writer The United States has a long and proud military heritage with countless individuals who have sacrificed their lives to protect this country and our way of life. Arab Americans have proudly served since the Revolutionary War; however, many records do not accurately report their numbers and representation has been … Continued

Healthy Spices and Seasonings found in your Arab Kitchen

By: Joyce Behrens/Arab America Contributing Writer With COVID-19 circulating everyday life, it’s essential to keep healthy during these difficult times. Not only with fruits and vegetables, but from condiments too. Seasonings and spices have a long history. In early history, medicinal healing used different assortments of spices. During the times of trade routes, spices and seasonings … Continued

Revisiting “Arab American Stories”–Entrepreneurs

Arab America is proud to highlight episodes of Arab American Stories, the Emmy Award-winning 13-part series presented by Detroit Public Television that explored the diversity of the Arab-American experience. The Series Arab American Stories highlights the diversity within the Arab American community. The series showcases the lives of 39 different Arab Americans from around the … Continued

Abu Dhabi’s Gourmet Strip Offers the Best in Arabian Gulf Food

By: Habeeb Salloum/Arab American Contributor Writer “When night falls, you should come here and sit in our Breakwater Local Café.  It’s teeming with people.  Everyone is in a good mood, sipping on their coffee, dining on the finest of Gulf foods, or just puffing on water pipes.  It’s the city’s heart of traditional relaxation, enjoyed … Continued

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