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19,532 Results (Page 543 of 1628)

Arab America

Trump’s Decision on Iran Deal Spells Disaster for the Middle East

May 11, 2018

SOURCE: COUNTERPUNCH BY: CESAR CHELALA President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the deal with Iran creates, unnecessarily, a(...)
Arab America

PLO Official Calls for Demonstrations against US Embassy Relocation

May 11, 2018

SOURCE: IMEMC NEWS Ahmad Majdalani, Executive Committee Member of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), has called on Palestinians to protest(...)
Arab America

What Does it Mean to be Female, Arab American and Muslim in Dearborn?

May 11, 2018

SOURCE: WDET An unconventional play entitled “Undesirable Elements/Dearborn” opens this weekend at the Arab American National Museum. The show is a(...)
Arab America

Paterson Marks Milestone with Election of First Arab-American Mayor

May 11, 2018

SOURCE: NORTH JERSEY BY: HANNAN ADELY Andre Sayegh, who was elected mayor of Paterson in a landslide on Tuesday, will be(...)
Arab America

Fueling More Syria War, Nixing Iran Deal, and More Israeli Attacks

May 10, 2018

On Tuesday, President Donald Trump announced the “United States will withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal.” Shortly after, Reuters reported:(...)
Arab America

Trump Vindicates Iranian Hardliners And Victimizes Ordinary Citizens

May 10, 2018

SOURCE: HUFFPOST BY: TRITA PARSI AND RYAN COSTELLO When the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was announced in 2015, the(...)
Arab America

At the Israeli-Gaza Strip Border, a Growing Sense of Anxiety and Fear

May 10, 2018

SOURCE: LOS ANGELES TIMES BY: NOGA TARNOPOLSKY It should have been a relaxing time as Shlomit Almog and her husband,(...)
Arab America

Building Cultural Bridges Made of Art in Cities Across the Country

May 10, 2018

SOURCE: NEXT CITY BY: RACHEL KAUFMAN Fifteen U.S. organizations will receive a combined $2.3 million in funding to “strengthen relationships(...)
Arab America

New Book Explores Islamophobia in America

May 10, 2018

SOURCE: WDET In the years after September 11th, 2001 we have discussed, as a nation, what it means to be(...)
Arab America

Young Arabs Vote the UAE as Best Place to Live

May 10, 2018

  SOURCE: ARABIAN BUSINESS The UAE has retained its position as the top country where Arab youth would like to(...)
Arab America

Bahbah: Poor Trump!

May 9, 2018

By: Bishara Bahbah/Arab America Featured Columnist He (Trump) fell into Bibi Netanyahu’s trap just like George W. Bush before fell(...)
Arab America

How Nora and Ahed Inspire Me

May 9, 2018

By: Jesús Nieto/Arab America Ambassador Blogger When I first saw Nawar Anwar “Nora’s” picture, I was immediately taken by the(...)

19,532 Results (Page 543 of 1628)
