19,539 Results (Page 1,276 of 1629)
Battle for water won by entrepeneur of first Palestinian planned city
Mar 8, 2015
A political battle to install a water pipeline for the first planned Palestinian city of Rawabi is now over, with(...)Balancing Islam and Middle School in Queens
Mar 8, 2015
Somewhere between stepping off the school bus and climbing into the go-kart, Sandra Ibrahim, 14, took off her pink hijab.(...)America’s allies in the Middle East create as many problems as they solve
Mar 8, 2015
In a recent two-part post, Martin Indyk argued that the United States has only two highly imperfect options for dealing(...)An Exile Artist From Iraq Paints Herself Into Ancient Illustrated Manuscripts
Mar 8, 2015
Hayv Kahraman was in her fourth grade history class in Baghdad when the question was asked: Is Iraq a democracy(...)UN culture agency says Hatra destruction shows 'contempt' for history, heritage of Arab people
Mar 8, 2015
Official sources in Iraq reported today the destruction by Islamic State forces of the United Nations World Heritage property of(...)Brunching around Beirut: the ultimate hangovercure
Mar 8, 2015
The Daily Star has put together a list of some of the best spots around Beirut to enjoy brunch.Source: Eltahawy: It's time to stop treating women like a cheap bargaining chip
Mar 8, 2015
She has just finished her first book – Headscarves and Hymens: Why the Middle East Needs a Sexual Revolution, which(...)Peace or Palestinian surrender? An interview with Norman Finkelstein
Mar 7, 2015
Aside from the renowned linguist and philosopher Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein is perhaps the best known, and most provocative, American(...)Dubai to Curate Next Hot Thing in 'Museum of the Future'
Mar 7, 2015
The flashy Gulf city with a skyline that looks like something out of a science fiction movie is embracing its(...)How Casablanca Lost Its Romance: A City’s Gritty Makeover
Mar 7, 2015
The 1942 film starring Humphrey Bogart immortalized Casablanca in gauzy splendor, but the winds of economic change stalk its dusty(...)The Queen of Jordan: Social media can show an Arab world beyond ISIS
Mar 7, 2015
Over the past 16 years, Queen Rania of Jordan has become a champion of women's rights, a vocal proponent of(...)Mixtape of funky Arabic tunes from the ’60s and ’70s collected by Jakarta Records
Mar 7, 2015
While some great pre-Revolution funky Persian pop music from Iran has been reissued in the past decade, there’s little known about(...)19,539 Results (Page 1,276 of 1629)