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19,539 Results (Page 1,261 of 1629)

Arab America

A rare win for E. Jerusalem family facing settler takeover

Mar 18, 2015

In the context of the absurd reality of Israel’s occupation, last Thursday brought a glimmer of good news. Attorneys for(...)
Arab America

Paul Krugman exposes how Netanyahu used Iran to conceal Israel’s economic disaster

Mar 18, 2015

The real reason behind Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent anti-Iran speech to Congress had nothing to do with foreign policy, Paul(...)
Arab America

Jewish nationalism and the new Palestinian politics in Israel

Mar 18, 2015

It seems somehow difficult to remember now, but the Israeli general elections were announced on the crest of a tidal(...)
Arab America

Tourist ad falls foul of UK watchdog for claiming Jerusalem belongs to Israel

Mar 18, 2015

The UK’s advertising watchdog has banned the Israeli Government Tourist Office from using an ad which implies that Jerusalem’s Old(...)
Arab America

Israel's High Court shirking its duty on racial profiling

Mar 18, 2015

Nearly eight years ago the Association for Civil Rights in Israel petitioned the High Court of Justice, demanding the removal(...)
Arab America

Palestinian activist Rasmea Odeh to appeal unjust conviction

Mar 18, 2015

Federal Judge Gershwin Drain sentenced Palestinian American activist and community leader Rasmea Odeh to 18 months in prison, revoking her(...)
Arab America

Iqraa: Running for a Brighter Palestine

Mar 17, 2015

UPA has partnered with the Iqraa running club since 2008 in the Washington, DC area to raise money for education(...)
Arab America

New Texts Out Now: Joseph A. Massad, Islam in Liberalism

Mar 17, 2015

Joseph A. Massad, Islam in Liberalism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015.Jadaliyya (J): What made you write this book?Joseph Massad(...)
Arab America

US Judge Sentences US Citizen Based on Israeli Military Documents

Mar 17, 2015

In September 2014, Truthout reported on 67-year-old Rasmea Odeh, a Palestinian woman who sought refuge in the United States more(...)
Arab America

Why I hope Netanyahu will be crushed tonight

Mar 17, 2015

I am in Israel hoping to see the end of an era, the downfall of Benjamin Netanyahu. I hope that(...)
Arab America

Short doc looks for the Palestinians in Israeli elections

Mar 17, 2015

Why is Gaza not an issue in Israel’s elections? Filmmakers Tamar Glezerman and Arianna LaPenne speak with +972 bloggers to(...)
Arab America

Egypt’s strange $45 billion plan to abandon Cairo as its capital city

Mar 17, 2015

Over the weekend, Egypt unveiled plans to build a wholly new capital. The new city would lie somewhere to Cairo's east, closer(...)

19,539 Results (Page 1,261 of 1629)
