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19,539 Results (Page 1,218 of 1629)

Arab America

Art in Iraq: ‘Baghdad is happening! It’s like New York...’

Apr 21, 2015

Hussein Adel is a struggling young artist sharing a tiny bedsit and living on take-out sandwiches. But the car horns(...)
Arab America

How Music Shields a Child’s Psyche in a Time of War

Apr 21, 2015

A few Palestinian children protect themselves from trauma and stress by playing the violin and other instruments.RAMALLAH—The white van, carrying(...)
Arab America

Middle Eastern art help bridge gap between region and the West at Sotheby’s auction

Apr 21, 2015

Ahead of the stampede of contemporary art sales in New York comes an auction of paintings, photography, sculpture and installation(...)
Arab America

Your support makes a difference!

Apr 20, 2015

“It takes a village to raise a child” is a Nigerian proverb that is expressed in different forms in many African(...)
Arab America

New Mediterranean boat tragedy may be biggest ever, urgent action is needed now

Apr 20, 2015

UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres today expressed his shock at the latest boat capsizing on the Mediterranean, and(...)
Arab America

Is this the world's stinkiest holiday?

Apr 20, 2015

To discover the festival Shem En-Naseem, or “smell the breeze” in Arabic, the first stop is a fish market. Every(...)
Arab America

Palestinian writer Suad Amiry inspires Portuguese exhibition

Apr 20, 2015

An exhibition of work by artist Joana Villaverde runs in the central Portuguese town of Avis until 31 May.The show,(...)
Arab America

Boxing: Dearborn's Mohamed Adam prizes family, Yemeni heritage

Apr 20, 2015

While it was potentially dangerous, Mohamed Adam thought it right to visit relatives in war-torn Yemen while taking a sabbatical(...)
Arab America

This Is A (Wo) Man's World: Egyptian-American Chef Julia El Bardai

Apr 20, 2015

Sharp knives, hot plates and a room full of men: that is the day-to-day business of a chef running a(...)
Arab America

An Interview with Ramzy Baroud: The Rise of Religious Powers and the Failure of the Left in The Middle-East

Apr 20, 2015

by SOUAD SHARABANISouad Sharabani: In the past three decades or so, Communists, trade unionists and secular nationalist movements like pan(...)
Arab America

Freedom Theater play takes new look at Nativity Church siege

Apr 20, 2015

In a small alley hidden among the hardscrabble streets of Jenin refugee camp, memories of the bloody Israeli siege of(...)
Arab America

Why one Iraqi youth turned away from violence

Apr 20, 2015

Al-Nasir Bellah Al-Nasiry knows it could have gone either way. After being shot in the leg at 17 during an(...)

19,539 Results (Page 1,218 of 1629)
